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I am taking the November test and need advice. I have been consistently studying and even got 2 lessons with a private tutor. I am finding myself making small improvements (finishing RC with better timing, making more confident answer choices, etc.) but am feeling stuck and distressed. LG is my best so I had my tutor help me with LR and RC... he definitely helped me and I am approaching them better but my scores remain the same.
Trying not to spiral (obviously failing at that) but I have a GPA of 3.89 and good softs - I just need this score. I really need to break into at least a 165+ and right now PT'ing between 160-163. I guess I just need advice on how to change my approach or some encouragement to just keep trying because I feel like I exhausted every single option.
This is currently my predicament. Maybe we could help each other through these last few weeks!
I know its probably the last thing you want to hear at this point but: take a break. I am in nearly the same situation as you, feeling like I need to grind these next 3 weeks to get my goal score. BUTTTT I've found that sometimes taking a weekend off can do wonders for my sharpness and ability to actually fix the mistakes I keep making on PTs. You're not going to lose any progress by taking a few days rest. But you do run the risk of getting burnt out and succumbing to a mental fatigue thats really hard to get over if you continue to put yourself in a high stress situation day after day.
But of course, if you're like me and sometimes taking a break is really hard, there are things you can do that'll still allow you to "study" while still giving yourself a rest. There's several LSAT podcasts that offer some great advice and test taking approaches. Take a walk and listen to some of those. That way you're allowing yourself to reset without loosing the habit or routine of blocking out time in your day to study. Plus, those podcasts might have some useful info for you to incorporate into your plan once you get back to it!
Hope this helps!!!! HANG IN THERE...we're almost there!
I have to agree taking a break is a solid idea. I took a diagnostic in July, got a 158 and started studying at a decent pace and broke into the 165 range in August. I signed up for the September test and decided to grind everyday but I couldn't break past 167. Took the September test, got a 168, and then took a break for two weeks, absolutely no studying or thinking about the test at all. Signed up for the November test and took a practice test and got a 174. I realized I was overthinking every question because of burnout, which made me obsess and waste time on "easy" questions. I would consider taking a break for a few days, it might help
take a break, honestly. I'm nowhere near my desired score and still hoping for the best on the November test too
But, I have been experiencing burn out, so I took two days off and plan to do only drills this weekend. If you don't want to completely stop, then maybe do some old drills just to refresh certain concepts. Regardless, hang in there 
If it makes you feel better, I was getting low 160's. Last PT before October test, I scored 169. 3 Days before the big day. I obviously hope the official score comes back that high. Try mixing up your materials. Loophole is AMAZING for LR. Try YouTube videos. Different approached and techniques. I stopped trying to absorb everything in RC and just skimmed. Then I went back to find the answers. Went from -12 to -5. I also signed up for November. Hopefully, I don't have to take it, but it helped SOOO much. It relieved a TON of pressure off of me which ultimately reduced my stress levels. Hope it works out for you! You've got this!