Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). The foolproof method isn't helping....yet? - 7Sage Forum

The foolproof method isn't helping....yet?

I've gone through about 50-60 games so far (PT 1-35). I'm having a lot of trouble of creating the initial master board for never seen before games. That's my main issue, once I make the proper boards, I can clear the questions quickly.

Foolproofing has been "working" so far. For games that initially took me 15 minutes just to get half of the questions wrong because I don't know what the hell I was doing when making the masterboard, now takes me 5-7 minutes because I foolproofed them so many times.

It looks like my biggest fear is coming true. Foolproofing is making me faster at memorizing the games itself. Rather than memorizing the important inferences needed to be made when attacking never seen before games. To note, when I do foolproof, I do the whole game from scratch without memorizing the game rules, I try my best not to make any "cheat" inferences which are completely unintentional, but rather memorized because I foolproofed it (doing the game so many times over and over again)

Any tips?


  • WhatIsLifeWhatIsLife Member
    edited October 2022 810 karma

    When you finish fool proofing a game that you struggled on or a game that you think is important, save it and do it again the next day. That way you know you actually learned the inferences rather than just memorization.

    I wouldn't do this for every game because that's too much of a time sink. If it took you only like 2 tries then maybe your good, but if it took you like 5 tries to fool proof a game make sure to write down what game it is and do it the next day or a few days later.

  • fatmaalazazifatmaalazazi Member
    edited October 2022 127 karma

    Here is my revised foolproof method:
    1. I complete a game under timed condition (I always select the "target time") (also, please don't get frustrated here, there were many times were I would start a timed game and end up not answering one question.)
    2. I BR that same game. (I take as much time as I want with BR. The point here is to see how the rules comes together.)
    3. I record my score. (time spent:x, Score:x)
    4. If my score is more than -1 then i will fool proof it during my following study session (next day or few days after). Repeat this process until i have perfected the game.
    5.Then, I start a NEW GAME and repeat the above process.

    The key here is that you have to leave some space between each foolproofing session otherwise your mind will simply memorize the correct AC (it happened to me multiple times).

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