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Success Stories? Could use some inspiration.

tr1487tr1487 Alum Member
in General 12 karma

Hi Everyone,

I've been studying for the LSAT for over a year and I've hit a wall with my test taking. I started studying Nov. 2021 and tested in August 2022 and November. Both tests I scored a 155. I've PT'd much higher than that and have blind reviewed higher than that as well. I'm feeling extremely discouraged to say the least. And I'm not sure what I can do anymore. I'm burnt out from studying for over a year, and I'm discouraged that I've made scant progress to what I actually want my score to be (maybe like a 160 or a 165). I really wanted to apply to law school this cycle but that seems near impossible now with the scores I have because they just aren't what I want. I'm already also applying so late that it might not even be worth it. Unfortunately law school feels like my only out since I'm at a job that I hate and I just want to move onto something more intellectually stimulating.

I know I'm not stupid, I know I'm extremely smart but I'm starting to think that this isn't for me anymore.

In short: are they any success stories out there? Am I wasting my time if I start studying again for another 6 months? Should I just pivot to a new career and throw in the towel?


  • yoni0218yoni0218 Alum Member
    35 karma

    You're definitely not a lost cause. I'm not much of a success story, my first ever practice test was a 147 and this morning I got a 163 from November. Take that for what you want. There are definitely people who have gone from 140s to 170s. I think if your real test is notably lower than your practice test averages, you need to really self reflect on your study process and why that is. And go from there. Is it anxiety? Are you not properly simulating real conditions? Are you doing review that isn't actually helping very much? I wouldn't just passively follow 7Sage, take a hard look at your study process and go from there.

  • les12les12 Member
    37 karma

    I got a 162 in September and just found out I got a 177 on the November exam! Thank you so much 7-Sage.!!!!

  • HarveySpectorHarveySpector Member
    129 karma

    Don't give up TR1487! There are so many similarities between your situation and mine, diagnostic for me was a 145, and I also don't like my job and want to find a more stimulating career. I have been studying for 2 years now, last November 2021 I got an official 154 score and was rejected from all 8 schools I applied to. That was extremely discouraging as my goal score was 160-165 and I didn't want to wait another year to apply. This October I got an official 160 and then just this morning got my November score back for a 163. DO NOT GIVE UP if this is what you want to do. I know it can be hard seeing people make progress more quickly than you, or those lucky enough like the above poster, to have a diagnostic at the level of our goal scores. Its a different path for all of us, so try not to let that influence your thinking. Your 155 and high blind review score is a sign that you have a solid handle of the fundamental content. Without knowing more about you, the first thing I would look at to close that gap between timed and BR score is your timing/skipping strategies. That is one of the biggest factors in closing that gap, unless you already finish every section with time left over I would work on trying to improve your timing. The next thing I would focus on is perfecting games, getting to be -1, 0 wrong consistently will be some of the lower hanging fruit for you to focus on.

    You can make quite a bit of progress in 6 months and I don't think you are being unrealistic in targeting a 160+ in that timeframe.

    Try looking for a study buddy/group maybe with a couple scorers in your goal range, they could have useful tips for you. And lastly if you can afford even a couple sessions with a tutor they will really be able to drill down on strategies for timing, improving understanding of content etc. Even if you only do the free 7sage consultation you should be able to get valuable feedback about what a tutor would work to address with you.

    I wish you the best in getting your goal score so you can get into law school and level up your career. DM me if there's anything I can do, questions you might have, or if you wanna run through your study plan to get some feedback.

    You got this!

  • Crystal00Crystal00 Alum Member
    123 karma

    Hi! Definitely don’t give up because on my first lsat last summer I scored a 155 and this November I finished with a 169!! It’s been a long journey and it hasn’t been easy. If you’d like to reach out, I am open to chatting!

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