Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Pause Button Accommodation - 7Sage Forum

Pause Button Accommodation

jncrumleyjncrumley Core Member
in General 6 karma


I have recently been given the "pause" accommodation where there will be a pause button on the test interface. I have been researching this accommodation, but LSAC does not mention much about how to use it or what it really allows. Has anyone used this accommodation and could give some tips?

All I have really found is that your testing session can not exceed 10 hours.



  • eileensol4eileensol4 Member
    edited January 2023 6 karma

    I had this for the Jan 2023 test! There's a little pause button you can use whenever you want on the test and when you resume your test you'll be given an additional minute to gather your thoughts/see where you left off! You cant write/work on your test while paused but it helped me when I felt overwhelmed or needed a stretch break to refocus. If you leave your room though let your proctor know and you'll have to rescan your room before you resume the test.

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