Character & Fitness - Middle School Suspension?

So when I was in 8th grade I was suspended for vaping (I know). There was no arrest or anything criminal accompanying this, and it was in middle school. . . would this be appropriate to report with an addenda? When I read some of the questions, they say ANY academic or disciplinary records from ANY school (which to me, means K-College). That language would suggest I need to report this, would it not?


  • aalam0786aalam0786 Alum Member
    80 karma

    yes you should report EVERYTHING. Figure out a way to write a short concise report of what happened and what you learned from it. That’s all.

  • Juan23vrJuan23vr Live Member
    304 karma

    no do not waste time writing about this, ignore that comment above. Ive applied to law schools before and have talked to counselors about related issues. I was given a ticket for ditching school once and I didnt bother writing about. had no issues at all and was admitted to the law schools i applied to also leaving out middle school incidents they dont care about that nor will they be conducting some extensive background check on you. You have more important things to discuss like your gpa, personal statement, and lsat,

  • JDream2025JDream2025 Alum Member
    996 karma

    It sounds silly to report something from middle school but then better safe than sorry? However, I personally wouldn’t report it.

  • JShepherdJShepherd Core Member
    73 karma

    OP, I see you received mixed feedback in the responses to your questions, so let me see if I can provide some clarity to your decision making process on whether to declare this incident or not.

    Suspension for vaping from middle school seems harmless and inconsequential I think most would agree. I'm sure that 99% of all law schools wont ever see this suspension, and I'm almost certain that it probably wont be asked about.

    That's NOT the REAL question that you should be thinking about however.

    I'm not sure where you plan to practice law, but when you submit your letter of intent to practice law in texas it will go to the texas board of law examiners and there will be much more thorough and extensive review of your background then the law schools perform.

    That is still NOT the real question that you should be thinking about however.

    The REAL question you should be thinking about is a bit deeper, and much more consequential.

    Do you keep your word impeccable? Can judges, prosecutors, lawyers, jurors, family and friends trust that when you say something its the 100% truth without any exception?

    I had lunch with the chief assistant district attorney in montgomery texas the other week. We had a discussion about the two types of lawyers that he deals with on a daily basis, and was speaking to me about what was important in this realm.

    He explained there are the lawyers who will say almost anything and do almost anything to get the best outcome for their clients. This starts off in small increments, with perhaps leaving something out in a response to a question, and then over time this builds and the lies become larger and grander. Not only do these lawyers become known within the courtroom workgroup they typically do business with on a daily basis, but he explained that over time their integrity, morality and soul becomes corrupted and corroded.

    The other type of lawyer is the one who keeps their word impeccable. They are known for honesty, integrity and as someone the courtroom workgroup (Judge, DA, Lawyers, Clerks, etc..) can do honest dealings and fair negotiations with on a daily basis. The prior may get small victories upfront for their clients but in time this will decline as they earn a bad reputation as being untrustworthy. Over time the lawyer that keeps their word impeccable will achieve much more success for their clients, and keep their integrity, morality and word intact and impeccable.

    You get to choose today when you answer this question which one of the two types of lawyers you will be moving forward.


  • Scott FosterScott Foster Alum Member
    12 karma

    I really think they are referring to your higher education. I wouldn't even think to include any data having to do with middle school unless it was criminal in some way.

  • bmchapbmchap Core Member
    50 karma

    Given that your name is likely Dylan Karmorris, I would report.

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