PT25.S2.Q15 - Some plants have extremely sensitive biologcal thermometers.

thankyou7sagethankyou7sage Alum Member
edited June 2023 in Logical Reasoning 23 karma

Hi, I watched the explanation for this question but I still don't understand why D is the correct answer over E -- so if anyone really understands this question may you please explain it to me in a simple way.

Thank you!

Admin Note: Edited title. Please use the format: "PT#.S#.Q# - brief description of the question."


  • JesseWeNeedToCookJesseWeNeedToCook Alum Member
    edited June 2023 137 karma

    A. Incorrect. Off topic.

    B. Incorrect. Again off topic

    C. incorrect. off topic (potentially strengthening)

    E. Incorrect. Way to vague / potentially strengthening, doesn't seem to undermine the reasoning at all. What is first off what is a colder or warmer temperature range? Is temps 0-2 moderate? We don't know. All of that aside, what the heck does this answer have to do with Flower petals? The crux of the argument is that when I see Flower X a characteristic it would have above zero degrees, and flower Y with a characteristic below 2 degrees, then I can conclude my thermometer, which is reading 1 degree is accurate within plus or minus 1.

    Answer choice E doesn't weaken this logical argument at all. At best it simply denies the conclusion by "well actually your thermometer is inaccurate" and at worst is strengthens the argument by saying "your thermometer is incredibly accurate" depending on what a moderate temperature is.

    D. Correct. Perfectly attacks the aformentioned argument, which assumes that the air temp surrounding both of the plants would be the same.

    Example to clarify why D is correct

    If the tall plant is at +3 degrees celcius, and the short plant , knowing that it is likely more than 2 degrees apart, it could be at -100 degrees celcius. How can i possibly claim my thermometer reading 1 degree celcius is accurate within plus or minus one based of the plant readings alone. The bounds of my observation are not 0 and 2, but actually +3 and -100 or in other words the bounds are somewhere above 0 to somewhere below 2,

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