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JY's "at least" symbol

SlowDownSlowDown Alum Member
in Logic Games 84 karma


I brushed it off the first few times, but I've now noticed JY using an odd symbol for "at least" a number of times now. Can anyone explain? Is it simply a messy version of an inequality symbol (e.g., ≤), or something different?

I can't seem to attach a screenshot, but he draws the symbol at 2:04 of this game explanation:



  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    2245 karma

    From what I can tell, it's just the symbol he uses (meaning it's totally arbitrary). I started using it, too, because I saw him do it repeatedly, but I think what ultimately matters is choosing a symbol/representation and sticking with it. You can represent the "at least" rules however you'd like, but you just want to get to the point where you're expending 0 brain power to represent the rules. It will make you quicker, more efficient, and more comfortable when doing games that have "at least" rules.

  • rdyoung12rdyoung12 Alum Member
    306 karma

    not sure if that's a double L L or an "a" is Times font???

  • SlowDownSlowDown Alum Member
    84 karma

    @"Matt Sorr" I understand the arbitrariness of the symbol, but I'm confused as to what exactly it is haha. Do you just draw overlapping Ls? That's what it looks like to me...

    Thanks for the help

  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    edited June 2023 2245 karma

    @SlowDown Ah gotcha. I've always assumed it was two overlapping Ls, too. I remember being puzzled the first time I saw him do it and I've never had any other theory haha. And yes, I also draw the overlapping Ls. It felt odd at first but now it's second nature

  • rdyoung12rdyoung12 Alum Member
    306 karma

    He specifically explains the LL symbol here around 4:05, and it's as we suspected

  • SlowDownSlowDown Alum Member
    84 karma

    @rdyoung12 You're amazing.

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