PTF97.S3.Q16 - Zebra mussels, a nuisance when they clog...

Tamara ZymanTamara Zyman Alum Member
edited July 2023 in Logical Reasoning 58 karma

MMS question
I got this one wrong twice, the first time I picked D, this is not supported because we don.t know anything about the algae, only that they are the food source of the mussels, so we cannot infer anything else. In Blind review I choose C, also wrong answer, cause we don't know if there is any mechanical means available for cleaning the pipe.

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  • maco4538maco4538 Alum Member
    323 karma

    It's not enough that an answer could be true because the right answer must be true. Only one of the five choices must be true - the rest, could be true, could be false, we don't know. The stimulus tells us that the mussels remove the hazardous waste from the water via consumption. That hazardous waste can't just disappear in a vacuum, so it either remains within the mussels or the mussels excrete it or transform it. Since once the waste is consumed it is effectively removed from the water, we can confirm that the mussel isn't just excreting it, so we are left with either the mussels retain the hazardous waste, or they transform it. This must be true. A,B,C, and D could be true, but that's not enough to say that it must be true.

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