Argument Part - Identify the "part" before reading "stimulus"

sarkisp23sarkisp23 Alum Member
For this question type, a part of the stimulus is in the question stem verbatim.

Do you, after reading the question stem, find/identify the accompanying part in the stimulus PRIOR to reading the stimulus from start to finish?

Or do you just make a mental note of that sentence and read normally without any prior identification?


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Generally I just read the stimulus and maybe put a little notch when it appears to help locate it more easily when going through the ACs. I guess it depends on the length of the stimulus. But I wouldn't get in the habit of finding it first just because it might cause you to lose focus of its role, but try it out and see what works best for you.
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