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October LSAT No Seats Available LSAC Sucks

markmywordsmarkmywords Alum Member

According to LSAC a ton of people have signed up for October. I've been checking and refreshing to sign up for a seat in a testing center. I'm required to test at a testing center because I'm taking it pen/paper. I've searched for slots all over my state and even into the next closest state but it's not showing any availability. LSAC gave me Prometric's phone number. I've called and been disconnected every time. I called LSAC and they're like, meh, we can't help you, call them back. It's so frustrating. When I asked them point blank if I'm guaranteed a spot if I've paid and sign up they say no, that it's first come, first serve. And I asked them if, worst case, I don't get a spot, will I get my money back, they said no. How is that possible? Like you can't give a company your money and be denied the product? I will continue to refresh but LSAC sucks.


  • FeiFongWongFeiFongWong Live Member
    11 karma

    Sorry to hear this, man. The LSAC really are nothing but a bunch of racketeers and extortionists, no different than the Mafia. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the LSAC is one of the mob's rackets.

  • yhtkimyhtkim Alum Member
    306 karma

    I swear to god the LSAC doesn't deserve to exist

  • luffyyyyluffyyyy Alum Member
    704 karma

    honestly with all the chaos Prometric's has caused, I would expect both Prometrics and LSAC to do better by now. I'm sorry to hear that this is happening to you :(

  • markmywordsmarkmywords Alum Member
    292 karma

    Still no availability after checking a bunch yesterday and nothing this morning. I can't be the only one having issues? Or do most people just take it remotely?

  • laneyfoxlaneyfox Core Member
    19 karma

    I took it remotely in August but that was a MESS so I decided to take it at a center for October...I had the same issue with no seats but I called Prometric around 9pm EST and they answered and scheduled it for me

  • markmywordsmarkmywords Alum Member
    292 karma

    thanks @laneyfox I finally got through and was able to schedule. LSAC still sucks tho

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