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Realistic Score Improvement by Nov. 9th

sgoldsmith7sgoldsmith7 Live Member

Hey guys! So I started with a diagnostic of 147 and have managed to pull my PT's up to the 163 ish range currently. Do you think it is possible at all to score a 168 or 169 by the time I actually take the test on Nov. 9th? I am usually getting about 21/28 on RC, 20-21/25 on LR and 19/23 ish on LG depending on the test. I will keep a 163 or better, but I am trying to attend UGA and have heard that I really need a 169 or better to ensure I get in. Thanks!~


  • tina.marietina.marie Live Member
    152 karma

    Hi. Here is my take. At the end of the day you put in ample amount of work to raise your score. Take pride in that and screw the number. Perform the best of you're abilities. The worst that happens is you end up retaking the test, which most of us probably already anticipate.

    You've put in the work and that work will pay off. Regardless of the number you want/receive the test will come and so will the score. Don't let the number give you tunnel vision. Check out those analytics and see what question types you should drill. Focus on doing your best. There's not more for you to learn, there's only time for you to improve speed and accuracy. You got this.

    I know this may not be what you're looking for, but breathe, be confident, and know that you're going to do the best you possibly can. Whatever the score you receive, there's always a next step you can take; and clearly, you are already so capable of improvement.

  • AlexLSAT.AlexLSAT. Alum Member
    802 karma

    Being completely realistic like you're asking, if your average is 163 I would expect this number on test day +- 3 points, so think 160-166. This is not to say that you can't get a 169 though, I have seen many people do better than their range on test day... some even going 5-10 points over their highest PT. It is just going to be very unlikely provided you only have a week left before you take it.

    The good news is that if you do not get the score you want, the January test scheduling date is after the November score release day... so you have a back up plan.

    Like above mentioned as well, trust in yourself, you're scoring really well right now and your target score is within reach. You got this.

  • m.and.m2023m.and.m2023 Alum Member
    17 karma

    I would focus heavily on logic games, if you have the time to do or redo the main games with the full proof method it could help get your LG higher.

  • strugglinbutsmilinstrugglinbutsmilin Live Member
    edited October 2023 114 karma

    Hi, I think it is very possible for you to score a 168 or169 on the November LSAT IF you approach the remainder of your study time and the LSAT with the following mindset - “I am going to do the best that I can”.

    If your mindset is - “If I want to get into UGA, then I need to score a 169” then you’re limiting yourself as this train of thought is likely going to put enough stress and pressure on you to trigger your fight or flight response.

    Your chances of retaining information and taking the test to the best of your ability are highest when you have a calm nervous system.

    Putting the time and effort in to do well on this test is equally as important as your ability to stay calm. Are you guaranteed to get a 169 if these two conditions are met? No, but you will be optimizing your chances to do so.

    There is nothing wrong with having a goal score, but don’t let it control you. It may be true that median LSAT score for UGA is a 169…but what if an applicant scored a 169 and yet lacked a strong undergraduate record or perhaps their essays were not strong?

    Regardless of where you apply a score alone does not guarantee admission. There is no denying that the higher you score on the LSAT, then the higher your chances of admission are. However, at the end of the day, your LSAT score is one factor of many considered during the admissions process. Good luck :)

  • cct83539cct83539 Alum Member
    3 karma

    I'm in the same situation! Taking the November test and hoping to get a 169 to get into UGA. We got this!

  • shminder84shminder84 Alum Member
    34 karma

    get that LG up, keep drillling LG. It can get up quick.I bet in a week your at -1

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