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Is Wyzant a reliable tutoring website?

CoralBriefCoralBrief Core Member
in General 18 karma

Hi! So I recently graduated from college therefore spending over $150 on an hour of tutoring is completely out of the question. Is Wyzant a reliable website for finding an LSAT tutor? The site shows each tutor's hourly rate, how many hours they've tutored, credentials, reviews, and whether or not Wyzant has completed their background check. 7Sage is great but I REALLY need affordable one-on-one for the logic games. Everyone says it gets easier but that hasn't been the case for me in any way.


  • JDream2025JDream2025 Live Member
    1011 karma

    It is reliable. I have used the tutors from there so many times. Your first session is free if you are not happy with the tutor. You can try around and see which tutor matches your style of teaching. I have used them since 2019 and because of one of the tutors there, my LG improved so much (-4). She used to charge $40 but now has upped her rate to $140. But yeah, definitely reliable and affordable. You can filter your search and cap it at a rate you can afford. Best wishes!

  • csearen99csearen99 Live Member
    124 karma

    Yes i have a tutor from there and it’s definitely reliable! I second the comment above

  • relawstudent-1relawstudent-1 Core Member
    14 karma

    Hello! I would be happy to be a tutor/study buddy for logic games if you would like. Please check your pms

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