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Low Cumulative GPA

dcolema1dcolema1 Live Member

I have a 2.0 cumulative LSAC gpa but my degree summary gpa is a 3.25. I attended previous institutions like community colleges and another four year school. I am currently a senior and I am graduating this spring 2024. I took the lsat last month and got a 140. I was hoping to get it up to at least a 150 on this upcoming January exam, but I feel like in my case a 150 wouldn't even help. I am feeling very discouraged and depressed about my overall chances of getting into any law school with this cumulative gpa. I didn't do well at all my first few years in college and I had to do some soul searching and figure out what I wanted to do with my life and these past two years I have improved my grades and overall academic trajectory. I know I could write an addendum and explain why my gpa is the way it is but I feel hopeless because its a 2.0. Can anyone offer any advice or wisdom for my situation.


  • campos.daniel0109campos.daniel0109 Live Member
    8 karma

    Hey, I feel the same way, I also have a very low GPA, and I rarely see people in the same situation as mine. My first attempt at a practice lsat I received a 136. I have decided that the score I need is a 153, November lsat I got a 151, retaking in January. The school I want to attend I could get in with a 151, just do not want to apply yet because of my low gpa, I feel like if I get a 153, I have a much higher chance of getting accepted. I still feel very worried and hopeless at times, but in reality I have seen people with 3.9 gpa and 165 lsat also be worried, so that's doubt is not going anywhere. You just have to know the types of schools you can go to, and even if it is not a top 100 or top 150 school, you can still be a very successful attorneys. Many of the big attorneys in my city went to the school I want to go to, so it makes me feel better to know that you do not have to go to the best law school, you just have to try to be the best law student in the school you go to. There is over 150 schools, you just need to be accepted to ONE. So, just keep working hard, believe in yourself, and it will only make you feel 10 times better when you are walking in to your Law school orientation next fall. Good luck!

  • dcolema1dcolema1 Live Member
    56 karma

    Thank you so much for your response and sharing your relatable story with me. This makes me feel a little bit better about where I stand. I will study hard and keep practicing before the January lsat. I will shoot for a 150 and up. Best of luck to you moving forward with this process. Good luck on the January lsat as well. I will come back to this post with news of hopefully you getting a 153 and me getting a 150.

  • SammyJD1SammyJD1 Alum Member
    95 karma

    Hey, anything is possible. I was in your shoes a few months ago. I was stressed out, depressed, and going insane believing I wouldn't get accepted anywhere.

    I had a LSAC GPA of 2.35 with a 152 and I got accepted to semi local law school (about 45 min drive from where I live) that gave me a 50% merit scholarship. I also go waitlisted to a top 100 Law School and I think I'm going to get accepted to 1 more (fingers crossed). Best part, I was rejected by the worst law school in the nation.

    Anything is possible.

  • dcolema1dcolema1 Live Member
    56 karma

    Appreciate you sharing your story. This means a lot to me that I am not alone in this situation. This makes me feel better about where I stand for this process. I will come back to this post and share the good news. Best of luck to you moving forward and thanks again.

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