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are there indicator words to be able to recognize sequencing/grouping/in out games each time?

iwanta176sobadiwanta176sobad Alum Member
  • their variations? setup is the hardest part for me, once i get the setup down its easy, so im wondering if theres an easier way to tell


  • JDream2025JDream2025 Live Member
    1011 karma

    You’ve to look for language that restricts how many people can be selected, or in at a certain time. For example, there are five players but exactly four have to be in. The other way you can familiarize yourself is by going through the drill section and selecting in and out games. Read the rules and take note of the language used. You can also drill just doing set up drills without doing the questions. The more you expose yourself to these set ups / language, you will be able to identify them quicker.

  • annarachelannarachel Live Member
    18 karma

    Sometimes on the harder questions, when I don't easily get a sense of what to do, I've been able to get an idea of how to set up a game board from looking at the first question (usually asking you what a possible complete order is). If it's sequencing, you'll likely see all the variables lined up, or grouping might have them divided into categories, etc.

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