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Random Question About Online Testing Conditions

jc333333jc333333 Live Member
in General 110 karma

Hi all, I am planning on taking the LSAT in April, June or both and was wondering what the rules are in regard to reading passages/stimuli out loud. I have developed a bit of a habit of doing this when practicing and taking PTs. I was not sure given I have not yet taken a proctored PT or am familiar with the portal conditions. Can anyone speak to this? I figured I would get ahead of this if it is not allowed so I can get rid of the habit.


  • Amazing LSAT VibesAmazing LSAT Vibes Alum Member
    24 karma

    Following ^^

  • samlaine27samlaine27 Core Member
    8 karma

    Hey I had the same question a few months ago. You aren't allowed to read aloud (unless you have specific test accommodations to do so).

    LSAC's website has more information regarding prohibited behaviours during the test here:

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Best of luck! :)

  • jc333333jc333333 Live Member
    110 karma

    @samlaine27 Thank you this is a big help!

  • il-legally-brunetteil-legally-brunette Core Member
    275 karma

    I've heard it somewhat depends on who your proctor is and how strict they are. I've heard of some people not even reading out loud, but simply moving their mouths to the words and being scolded for that, but I've also heard people have read out loud with no issues. But generally, you aren't supposed to which is insane to me lol

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