AUG 2024: Will LR/RC Be Harder / Different?

il-legally-brunetteil-legally-brunette Core Member
edited February 2024 in General 275 karma

I haven’t seen any discussion on this, but has there been any reason to believe that the RC or LR will be “harder” per se, or introduce new or old question types? I’m just trying to gauge how reflective PTing for it will be.


  • Logan TantiLogan Tanti Alum Member
    77 karma

    I doubt it, the research LSAC did said the scores would be about the same and I don't see how they would conclude, based on experimental sections (of which people have already seen), that the scores would be about the same and then radically adjust the test. My only guess is that they may incorporate some more questions with conditional logic (i.e. like the questions you may see on older LR sections); however, even that is a stretch in my opinion. It largely should be the same albeit with LG being replaced with another LR section.

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