Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Older LSAT takers? - 7Sage Forum

Older LSAT takers?

OoglymoogsOoglymoogs Member
in General 38 karma
Are any of you guys in the older crowd?


  • nye8870nye8870 Alum
    1749 karma
    If 44 yrs old counts, then Yes
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    If 32 at time of October LSAT counts as old then yes... Though I've met people almost twice as old as me online prepping for the LSAT.
  • hokie6260hokie6260 Alum Member
    15 karma
    36 here...retaking from June.
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @nye8870 said:
    If 44 yrs old counts, then Yes
    A mangorita toast to you!

    I'm 29; plenty of folks representing the "older crowd" around 7sage. Methinks it's one of the best parts about the community!

    Also I heard @DumbHollywoodActor is *really* old.

  • KimberlyKKimberlyK Alum Member
    edited July 2015 217 karma
    I'll be 37 in November. *feels old* :(

    I had to "edit" I was a year off.... That's the sign you are old: When you forget how old you are on accident.....
  • OoglymoogsOoglymoogs Member
    38 karma
    I'm currently 27, but would be starting law school at 29.
  • viviana7211viviana7211 Alum Member
    42 karma
    27 here also! And prob would start law school at 28 or 29
  • DumbHollywoodActorDumbHollywoodActor Alum Inactive ⭐
    edited July 2015 7468 karma
    @nicole.hopkins (Shakes fist) Why I oughta!!! Back in my day, we respected our elders and walked to school in the snow barefoot...uphill!!! AND WE LIKED IT!!!!!
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @DumbHollywoodActor said:
    (Shakes fist) Why I oughta!!! Back in my day, we respected our elders and walked to school in the snow barefoot...AND WE LIKED IT!!!!!
    HAHA. I saw this portrait you had done.

  • bSM45LSATbSM45LSAT Member
    522 karma
    I feel weird being 20 in this thread now lol.
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @bSM45LSAT said:
    I feel weird being 20 in this thread now lol.
    You should.

    GET OFF OUR LAWN. We're up here tryna play some baccarat ...

    Actually I might get chased off too. I yield, I yield!
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    I think you meant bocce... Unless you play baccarat with giant lawn cards or something...
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @Pacifico said:
    Unless you play baccarat with giant lawn cards or something...
    We're playing it on the porch where we can best see kids that need to be scared off. And where they can best see the shotguns laid across our laps.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Real old people don't need shotguns... We have old people strength
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @Pacifico said:
    We have old people strength
  • mpits001mpits001 Alum Member
    938 karma
    I'm 22, I feel pretty old!
  • nye8870nye8870 Alum
    1749 karma
    Arguments? Back in our day we didn't argue! We did what we were told.
  • shsu1973shsu1973 Alum Member
    2 karma
    I'm 41
  • Matt1234567Matt1234567 Inactive ⭐
    1294 karma
    This thread is hilarious lol. I'm 25, 26 by the time I get into law school if everything goes according to plan.
  • AlejandroAlejandro Member Inactive ⭐
    2424 karma
    24, but I am an old soul :p
  • ENTJENTJ Alum Inactive ⭐
    edited July 2015 3658 karma
    I'm 31 this year. But I've been told I age like a vampire. So...
  • Almost a BoomerAlmost a Boomer Alum Member
    386 karma
    I'm 48. Took a leave of absence from college (long story). Planning to take LSAT first, then finishing up undergrad. I hope there will still be earth left when I'm done with law school. Planning on applying to law school when I'm 51.

    Hoping to get in to T14, but I don't know if my age will be a factor. I'm almost done with undergrad (UCLA for those fellow Bruins) and currently have LSAC GPA of 3.989. I guess it'll come down to my LSAT. I SUCK at standardized tests, as I get WAAYYY TOO NERVOUS. FYI Started going to college when there was no Google. Everything is so much easier now.
  • Matt1234567Matt1234567 Inactive ⭐
    1294 karma
    @taehyung said:
    there was no Google.
    Oh man, I wouldn't be able to cope lol.
  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma
    Nearing 27 come December here.
  • twssmithtwssmith Alum
    5120 karma
    As my body falls apart, I figured I better use my brain quick before the empty nest syndrome. 49 yrs old - twin daughters currently working on common app essays for undergrad college admissions this Fall. Hope all 3 of us get scholarships or my husband is going to have a heart attack. Thank everyone for this great site for all of the info, dedication and support to achieve your dreams. As soon as I learn what Skype is, I will be in on BR sessions, lol.
  • Chipster StudyChipster Study Yearly Member
    893 karma
    Regarding the comment about when taehyung started college there was no google. When I started college there were no computers. There were no calculators. I packed a slide rule in my bags.
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @twssmith said:
    As soon as I learn what Skype is, I will be in on BR sessions, lol.
    Look forward to having you on!
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @"Chipster Study" said:
    When I started college there were no computers. There were no calculators. I packed a slide rule in my bags.
    You just blew my mind a bit. We definitely had computers when I was in kindergarten (granted, that was in Silicon Valley in 1991).
  • SummerMichalSummerMichal Free Trial Member
    37 karma
    36 here. My son will be starting college the year I start law school, if all goes as planned.
  • lsatcommittedlsatcommitted Alum Member
    166 karma
    Old timer here... took in June, not very pleased with score, will probably double down for December..
    I'll beat them whippersnappers...
  • KimberlyKKimberlyK Alum Member
    217 karma
    @sbammes said:
    36 here. My son will be starting college the year I start law school, if all goes as planned.
    Ill be 37 in November, and my oldest is graduating High School this next year.....
  • notwilliamwallacenotwilliamwallace Alum Member
    1049 karma
    I'll be 29 in December. I actually met a 16 year old prepping hard and stressing for the LSAT. He'll be entering grade 12 in fall. Although it shows dedication on his part, it did make me wonder if there a minimum age for taking the LSAT? Lol
  • Gia_HenryGia_Henry Alum Member
    94 karma
    Looks like one person has me beat. I'm 45. I'm finishing up my last year getting my undergraduate degree in peace and conflict studies. I'll be 46 when I graduate, and hopefully starting law school. I feel old some days.... but really, I'm so excited for my new beginning, that keeps me going. I really wanna dig into The Constitution, and shake up a few lawmakers... work on human rights, and be that voice for those who are unheard. But first... I got to get through this damn LSAT!!!!! UGH!
  • rmdormdo Alum Member
    25 karma
    I am sorry but you guys aren't OLD. I am OLD - 67 years but looking toward Oct. 3, 2015 and on to Fall 2016.
  • ttranc83ttranc83 Alum Member
    edited July 2015 98 karma
    I am 32 (I don't feel that old anymore after @rmdo shared his/her age). I have two boys, ages 4 and 5 months and they definitely without a doubt keep me busy! But they are my motivation in conquering this terrible test called the LSAT. I am seriously excited to start studying for the LSAT "again"...LOL! I just purchased the starter pack today! I took the LSAT five years ago and totally bombed it. For the life of me, I didn't understand and still don't understand why I didn't cancel my score. Anyway, I have been studying for the LSAT here and there but I haven't been very consistent. I bought the LSAT trainer which has helped clarify many things that I didn't understand before. I am actually hoping that I can and am able to solely rely on the starter course here since I fair well with online style of teaching/classes. I am looking forward to re-taking the LSAT in December or possibly February of next year. I guess it will all depend on how truly prepared I am for December. Good luck and much success to everyone here!
    20 karma
    I am 43. My kid is in college now. Seems harder than it used to be.
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @"Gia_Henry" said:
    I'm so excited for my new beginning, that keeps me going. I really wanna dig into The Constitution, and shake up a few lawmakers...
    You are amazing! This is a great inspiration.
  • silcal11silcal11 Member
    47 karma
    I am turning 37 this August. Finished undergraduate school at 35. It has been taking me almost two years to prepare for the LSAT. I didn't like my score from last June, so I am trying again this October 3th.
  • esteeroseesteerose Alum Member
    382 karma
    I'm 36, and preparing for june or october. It's so great to see others here! It is difficult to make the time while being a mother to a small child, but every little bit counts. I just finished BR for the first PT (2007).
  • Gia_HenryGia_Henry Alum Member
    94 karma
    aww... thank you @nicole.hopkins I am finishing up last year getting my undergraduate degree in peace and conflict studies. I want to be a voice for those who don't have one... But... gotta get through this damn LSAT first, lol! You are very kind.
  • Erick_in_LAErick_in_LA Alum Member
    2 karma
    I too will be 37 in November. Man, with a full time job and a life full of sh*t going on it's tough to put the 4+ hours a day I need to study... Anyhow, just venting.
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @"Erick_in_LA" said:
    Anyhow, just venting.
    Vent away! That's what we're here for :D
  • blah170blahblah170blah Alum Inactive ⭐
    3545 karma
    @Gia_Henry Do you go to Berkeley? I've never heard of PACS anywhere else but at Cal.

    Also, I'm 25 but people say I have an old soul. Been looking for bridge/canasta/scrabble buddies...
  • Gia_HenryGia_Henry Alum Member
    94 karma
    @blah170blah No... though that would be cool! I'm attending a small, Quaker, private college in the south. Good school.
  • leonsmoneyleonsmoney Member
    280 karma
    41 here. I'm surprised to read I'm not the oldest! That's great. I'm an active duty Marine. I'll be retiring with 20 years of service in a little less than three years. Taking the LSAT this October so I have it out of the way. Then plan on retiring, using my GI Bill to fund school and just treating school as my job since I'll have my retirement check. That's the plan anyway :) Good luck to all!
  • profile427profile427 Alum Member
    213 karma
    31 here. Been in the healthcare industry for over six years. I've quit my full-time job to go into contract work to reduce weekly labor hours in the hopes of boosting my October prep & app process (LSAT try #2 since 2013). I'm fortunate to have a high-demand occupation that allows me to do my thing at reduced hour while I try to figure out my life plan with law school. That is if anyone invites me to the party in 2016.
  • destinyriggsdestinyriggs Alum Member
    23 karma
    Wow! I was sure I was the only person alive heading toward law school at 40. I'm excited to know there are so many of us. Does anybody have a good read on programs that are more receptive to and make a better experience for the older crowd?
  • splitterhopefulsplitterhopeful Alum Member
    340 karma
    Turned 37 this year. Are most of you folks planning on moving away for school or staying local?
  • ramster1ramster1 Member
    109 karma
    43 with two young kids (and single mom). This has been in the works for quite a while. I have very supportive employers, a career in mind (not family law btw), plus my ex was an attorney so I've witnessed what law school is all about from the sidelines. So there are plusses and minuses all around. I'm generally tired and slow, but it's *great* to be here.
  • kittyahmedkittyahmed Free Trial Member
    58 karma
    42 this fall with a daughter in college and a son one year from high school. Glad to see I'm not the only one starting late! I'm hoping to get 10 years' work in before retirement ;) One thing is clear at my age: I can't do student loans for it! If anyone has thoughts on financing a legal education in your 40s, I'd love to hear them.
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