PT47.S1.Q2 - Disagreement

h.e.willis03h.e.willis03 Alum Member
edited May 2024 in Logical Reasoning 10 karma

I just finished this test and spent a lot of time on this question. B seems like the obvious correct answer at first (and is the correct answer), but the argument about efforts being wasted on protecting endangered species' NATURAL habitats is, in my opinion, unaffected by the creation of an animal refuge. The establishment of an animal refuge seems to me like an obviously distinct effort than one that is protecting a natural habitat. By it needing to be established and the word "refuge", it seems artificial by definition.

Can someone help me understand this?

Admin Note: Edited title. For LR questions, please use the format: "PT#.S#.Q# - brief description of the question."


  • cladefeedcladefeed Core Member
    107 karma

    Our aim is to weaken the relationship between the conclusion and the premises, even if it's just by a little bit, like in this question. The argument: Because their extinction rates continue to increase (reason), the efforts to protect the endangered's natural habitats was for nothing (conclusion). To weaken this, we need something that says that the efforts being completely wasted doesn't necessarily follow.

    (B) shows that some species went against that trend of extinction, demonstrating a benefit that came out of these efforts. We don't need to completely negate the conclusion by saying that the 'efforts weren't wasted because natural habitats were restored.' All we need is to show that the efforts weren't completely wasted.

  • h.e.willis03h.e.willis03 Alum Member
    10 karma

    Thank you for explaining. I guess what I'm really asking is how do we know that the establishment of an animal refuge is part of the set of efforts that the premise refers to?

    Maybe I'm just heavily overthinking this, apparently it was an easy question. I ended up getting a 177 on that test and this was one of the few I got wrong lol.

  • cladefeedcladefeed Core Member
    107 karma

    I overthink apparently easy questions too. I interpreted the first sentence more so as "Despite [attempts]..." so I don't think that the refuge needs to fulfill being part of a set of efforts. The AC could have said "Species that would have become extinct have been saved due to the establishment of conservation centers," and it would still be correct. I think lol

  • HamburgerNotHelperHamburgerNotHelper Alum Member
    edited May 2024 25 karma

    @h.e.willis03 I think what's important to remember in addition to what @cladefeed has said is that the other answer choices are not better at attacking the conclusion than the right answer.

    A : Tells me that efforts now are better. Does not make the previous efforts seem not wasted.

    C : Unfortunate fact. Does not make the previous efforts seem not wasted.

    D : It's unfortunate that other countries don't see the connection between conservation and tourism, but that does not make the previous efforts seem not wasted.

    E : Sounds like a great new program, but it does not make the previous efforts seem not wasted.

    I end up overthinking these earlier questions a lot too while drilling and it helps me to remember that my answer choice does not need to be perfect. It just needs to be the best one.

  • js1286329js1286329 Free Trial Member
    edited May 2024 2 karma

    Yes, you are right, I agree with you. It only needs to be the best one. I also need some more help. Actually, my brother facing problems with his essay assignments and he asked me to help him in searching for a site online through which he can hire an essay writer. So, I looked for it online and I found the website link where I found the research paper writing service. But before getting help from their professional essay writers, my brother wants to read reviews of them. And I don't know where to find reviews for their essay writers. Can anyone over here help me in searching for a site online where I can read reviews of them? I will be thankful to you.

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