LSAT JOURNEY - Seeking Advice Urgently

OxlyamOxlyam Core Member
in General 6 karma

Hello all!

I am in the beginning of my LSAT Journey if I can qualify as that. I recently purchased my 7sage membership but previously used Mike Kim's book.

I was supposed to take the LSAT in February but ended up postponing it for June 2024 as I was really struggling to improve during my winter break as quick as I wanted. I am now in a bit of a bind because I postponed the test for June 2024 and experienced various health complications during the semester which made me have to focus more on my classes in order to catch up and I stopped studying for the LSAT.

I am now done with my semester and I am about a week out of the June LSAT and I am still scoring in the 148-152 range. Does anybody have any advice to help me progress or get easy points using 7sage or else ?

I also plan on taking the August LSAT, for this I will have more time to study over the summer so I believe that I will do way better. However, what should I do for June ? I still want to attempt it. My worse section is Logic Games, followed by LR. I'm doing just okay with reading comprehension.

Thank you so much.


  • sgoldsmith7sgoldsmith7 Live Member
    744 karma

    If your worst is LG, I would shoot for just taking August if I was in that position. That way, you'll have more time and you won't have to take a test with a section you aren't strong in. From personal experience, just going through all of the core curriculum, or at least a good bit, and a lot of drilling has helped my score improve significantly. Good luck!

  • toodle232-1-1-1toodle232-1-1-1 Core Member
    20 karma

    Agreed with the above reasoning. For sure just go for the August LSAT. Also, don't waste precious study time on LG when you could just focus on the 2 sections and be even more prepared for August.

  • OxlyamOxlyam Core Member
    6 karma

    Thank you to you both for answering my questions. I really appreciate it !

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