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Super Splitter ED strategy

dangken55dangken55 Free Trial Member

My GPA is 2.6 and my June LSAT score is a 176, 4 yrs WE. My dream school is USC. I am having trouble figuring out what to do with my ED. Is there a point to apply ED to UCI as a safer option? Would EDing USC be a waste considering my GPA? I wouldn’t mind being admitted to either school, I just want to maximize my chances.


  • ericdbronerericdbroner Live Member
    14 karma

    Don't ED unless you're willing to pay sticker.

  • dangken55dangken55 Free Trial Member
    6 karma

    @ericdbroner said:
    Don't ED unless you're willing to pay sticker.

    That's why I'm considering both because the ED guaranteed scholarship at UCI and USC is tempting

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