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Time Strategy Suggestions

gabysibisangabysibisan Core Member
edited September 18 in General 46 karma


I have been PTing at 150 for the past 3 months despite studying an average of 4 hours a day drilling specific question types, doing sections of LR and RC and then blind reviewing every question and then inserting them into my wrong answer journal. Recently I took a completely untimed PT where I allowed myself to think through each question and didn't move on until I was 100% sure the AC I picked was correct. On that PT I scored the highest I've ever scored a 156, however I know I can do better, but I'm taking the October LSAT. It's clear that extra time would be extremely beneficial to me as especially with RC I need to take longer on the passages in order to understand what is being said.

Does anyone have any time strategy suggestions that can hopefully help me actually score closer to my potential by October? Or should I just accept that I will most likely score a 150 and retake it in January?

Thank you!


  • austy2egg3austy2egg3 Core Member
    10 karma

    In terms of a question by question strategy, I have recently employed an exit strategy. This exit strategy is used whenever I run into a question I know I struggle with, or, the question looks like it will take a long time to sift through. I struggle with NA questions so when I hit a NA question I simply just skip it and move on to easier questions. Most of the time you will get these questions right, but the time expended makes you feel rushed near the end of different sections.

    I used to leave around 3 or 4 questions unanswered per section, and now I have multiple minutes to review every single question. It seems like a really simple plan, but I feel it has really improved my time management and confidence.

    Not sure if it will work for you but I think it's worth a try! Good Luck!

  • taherhshakirtaherhshakir Core Member
    6 karma

    I think you also just have to be confident.
    You have to see what you think is the right answer and just go with it sometimes and that's ok.
    And you also have to be trigger happy with the skipping. If you think a question is about to suck up tons of time just skip it without thinking too much.
    In general all the harder questions are grouped towards the end of each section so if you are running low on time at the end, chances are its ok and you might have missed those questions anyway.
    When I take PTs I sometimes don't miss any in the first 18 questions of a section and just miss about 5 in the ending.

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