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Should I submit my applications now or wait till after January for scores?

PercyRECS02PercyRECS02 Free Trial Member

Hi everyone,

Most of my applications are finalized and ready to submit, but I don’t have an LSAT score on file yet. My score won’t be available until after I take the test in January. Would it be better to wait to submit my applications until then?


  • sellybeansellybean Live Member
    9 karma

    you should be waiting for the next cycle

  • SubpoenaColadaSubpoenaColada Core Member
    184 karma

    I kind of agree with the above comment. It's a bit risky applying with only one shot at the LSAT. Submit now if you're 100% confident that you'll be fine spending $$ on apps without knowing your only score. The benefit is that it speeds up the process (slightly). Otherwise I would hold off until your score is released to base your decision on whether to apply this cycle or wait.

  • PercyRECS02PercyRECS02 Free Trial Member
    edited December 5 12 karma

    Risk/score aside, is my chance of admission significantly lower? I've been studying and doing PTs all year for the upcoming cycle. I also did my first attempt way back in June for the last logic games since I studied for it. I discarded my score, though it was because I knew I could do better.

    Thanks for the feedback!

  • natashaffoxnatashaffox Live Member
    9 karma

    I recommend attending information sessions for the law schools you are applying to. I asked this same question, and they advised me to submit mine. Good luck!

  • SubpoenaColadaSubpoenaColada Core Member
    edited December 5 184 karma

    @PercyRECS02 said:
    Risk/score aside, is my chance of admission significantly lower? I've been studying and doing PTs all year for the upcoming cycle. I also did my first attempt way back in June for the last logic games since I studied for it. I discarded my score, though it was because I knew I could do better.

    There is a lot of varying anecdotal evidence, with some people saying that they received good acceptances/offers despite applying in January and some saying that their acceptances were bad. This is across nearly 200 schools though (plus with different odds of applicants); one school it might not make a difference, another it might. So the simplest thing to do is to just email to the schools you plan to attend and ask.

    From what I usually hear, scholarship $$$ makes the biggest known difference later in the cycle.

    You can also check out the 7Sage admissions predictor by application month to see how it impacts your chances.

    If you're set on applying this cycle, I recommend submitting application (on hold), taking lsat, officially applying, and see what offers you get. Prepare to reapply next cycle if you're unhappy with results. Or celebrate if it all works out.

  • PercyRECS02PercyRECS02 Free Trial Member
    12 karma

    Thanks everyone! :)
    All very valuable information, will be looking into this further with a clearer mind now.

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