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Could the experimental section be a 35 min break?

spittingnickelsspittingnickels Live Member
in General 232 karma

If I identify the experimental section properly could I use it as a 35 minute break? Knowing that it's not going to be scored? Is this a good or bad idea for my test day? Let me know. Thank you


  • LawtinaaLawtinaa Core Member
    151 karma

    bad idea. you could identify the "experimental" section as one of the sections which are actually scored

  • sanique.rowesanique.rowe Member Student Services
    121 karma

    Hi @spittingnickels,

    While it might be tempting to treat the experimental section as a break since it’s not scored, it isn't recommend that you do that for test day. You can't know for sure which section is experimental, so skipping one could mean missing a real scored section by mistake.

    Maintaining endurance is also key. The LSAT is designed to test your ability to stay focused across multiple sections, so treating one as a break could disrupt your momentum and make it harder to stay engaged for the rest of the test. Even though it’s unscored, the experimental section still contains real LSAT-style questions, which can be valuable practice and reinforce your test-taking strategies.

    I hope this helps!

  • BenkoFromPetcoBenkoFromPetco Core Member
    24 karma

    bro don't do it, trust 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • spittingnickelsspittingnickels Live Member
    232 karma

    @BenkoFromPetco did you try it when you took the test?

  • spittingnickelsspittingnickels Live Member
    232 karma

    @"sanique.rowe" thank you for the response, I understand. One other question I have is do you recommend I take 4 full sections when I am doing my prepetests? 3 scored sections and one section from the old preptests to simulate the experimental section?

  • sanique.rowesanique.rowe Member Student Services
    edited March 5 121 karma

    @spittingnickels, you're most welcome. To clarify, our digital tester has already been updated to reflect the new LSAT format (which has 4 sections and does not include Logic Games). The new PrepTests (101–158) contains 3 scored sections (LR, LR, & RC) and 1 experimental section (LR or RC). To access them, simply head to the digital tester and click the “Current format” button at the top.

    Also, please note that all test-takers should now be using the re-designed syllabus. To make the change to V2 (the up-to-date version of our program), head to your Syllabus page and click "Switch to V2" at the top.

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