Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). When did you know that you wanted to be a lawyer? - 7Sage Forum

When did you know that you wanted to be a lawyer?

ENTJENTJ Alum Inactive ⭐
edited August 2015 in General 3658 karma
I personally figured it out when I was in 7th grade. A kid tried to extort my lunch money from me in my math class. I ended up writing a contract with him stating how much I would give him per day and I even had him co-sign the agreement. A day later I told him that if he tried anything like that again, I'd take the contract to the principal. Worked like a charm.

The funnier the better.


  • nye8870nye8870 Alum
    1749 karma
    I remember the day vividly. It was August 8th 1970. I was just lying around in my womb…(I mean room), as I had been doing for the past 9 months, and all of a sudden I feel an intense pressure being squeezed around and upon my head. Within a few moments I found myself being forcefully extracted from my womb…(I mean room) like a stuffed animal from some Chuck E. Cheese’s crane game. Amid a convolution of screams and elations I found myself being hoisted up in the air in of a room full of strangers, naked and wet, blinded by a host of disorienting lights cradled in the very hands of the perpetrator who extracted me. To this day they tell me he was my “doctor”. But tell me this… would a doctor willingly cut his patient of from the only food source he had ever known? Every day I look at the scar he inflicted upon me upon my belly and count the days until I become a lawyer and can finally sue him for malpractice and exact the revenge which is so deserved him…… Oh, what’s that? He’s dead? Happy Birthday to Me!!!
  • ENTJENTJ Alum Inactive ⭐
    3658 karma
    @nye8870 Oh you mean this thing that they call a "belly button"? Yeah I think I have one too...and some other people that I know. We may be able to do a class-action law suit...
  • nye8870nye8870 Alum
    1749 karma
  • Matt1234567Matt1234567 Inactive ⭐
    1294 karma
    @ENTJ said:
    A day later I told him that if he tried to take anything like that again, I'd take the contract to the principal. Worked like a charm.

    HAHA. You're gonna be one hell of a lawyer.
  • harrismeganharrismegan Member
    2074 karma
    My boss invited me to watch the jury verdict of one of his trials. 3 accused were on trial for a bunch of charges related to drug trafficking/conspiracy to traffic drugs/possession/transportation. Of the 3, ours heard his fate last. I literally remember just sitting and watching his face as the guilty verdicts were laid against his two co-accused. And then I watched as his verdict of not guilty was said. I remember thinking that lawyers literally can change the course of people's lives in such a big way.
  • fuzzy228fuzzy228 Alum Member
    107 karma
    My intolerance of injustice and BS made the choice clear, and the passion ignited.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    @fuzzy228 said:
    My intolerance of injustice and BS
    Just keep in mind this will get a lot worse before it ever gets better...
  • ENTJENTJ Alum Inactive ⭐
    3658 karma
    @fuzz228 So...I'll see you on a TED talk?! Can't wait.

  • ENTJENTJ Alum Inactive ⭐
    3658 karma
    I giggle a bit when people tell me they want to be an attorney for the money.

    Ok. You got me. I giggle A LOT. ^o^
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    A little more than a year ago ... I met a woman who was in her mid-30's after having had a successful career in a lobbyist who was a 2L. I remember looking up local law schools and wondering if it would be possible for me. Once I left that job and left SoCal, it all became much more real. I started meeting a lot of attorneys through my church and learning about what they do. The parts of their personalities and gifts that were a good fit for law mirrored my own in many cases. I didn't know what lawyers really did when I was younger and for some reason assumed it wasn't for me. Once I had learned more about myself and about the options within the profession, I realized it was what I was born to do. I became 100% sure of this when I had the opportunity to work with an attorney friend of mine on some pro bono cases. I ate it up. I'm made for this stuff.
  • ENTJENTJ Alum Inactive ⭐
    3658 karma
    @Matt1234567 Share your story!
  • Matt1234567Matt1234567 Inactive ⭐
    1294 karma
    @ENTJ said:
    @Matt1234567 Share your story!
    Law was literally the only thing in high school that interested me and that I did really well in. After interning at the Crown Attorney's office after college, I could not get enough of being in the court house and sitting in on trials. My goal from thereon was to get my law degree and make a career at working with the Crown and making the court my second home.
  • 10 karma
    I just really like editing stuff and working on spreadsheets, so I figure there's an office out there that needs me. :P
  • ENTJENTJ Alum Inactive ⭐
    edited August 2015 3658 karma
    @Matt1234567 O_O...// Crown Attorney's office...sounds so regal. Is it weird that I can imagine you running around in some palatial palace of adorned marble and with dozens of parchment scrolls clutched in your hands???
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
  • ENTJENTJ Alum Inactive ⭐
    3658 karma
    I bet that look gets all the ladies.
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @ENTJ at least this one!

  • ENTJENTJ Alum Inactive ⭐
    3658 karma
    Very disturbing...
  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma
  • texvd1988texvd1988 Member
    605 karma

    I have always had a mind for logic and argumentation. I also have always had a mind for rules and regulations. It was a natural fit.

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