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Pacifico was right, should've listened to him

StopLawyingStopLawying Alum Member
edited August 2015 in Logic Games 821 karma
So I've been drilling logic games with the Cambridge packets and have done pretty well with the games I've drilled. Timing and accuracy were both very good. Then, a few days ago, I transitioned to timed logic games sections and I've been depressed ever since. I've been going -5,-7 on all of my timed sections and these were on sections that 7sage rated "easiest."

I've realized that the Cambridge packets actually hurt my LG ability and I'll explain why: As Pacifico mentioned in his LG guide, they key skill to scoring high on the LG section is determining the correct setup. With the Cambridge packets I already knew what type of game I was drilling and so I would just draw out my board without really reading much of the rules. I was simply a machine. Now when I take LG sections it is often difficult for me to figure out the correct setup and it's killing my confidence and score. With two months out from the October test I fear that I won't be able to conquer the logic games section before the exam. This, coupled with the fact that October is really my last hope if I want to realistically apply for the 2016 cycle, has been causing me a lot of anxiety. I'm writing this post so that I hope someone learns from my mistake. Drill full logic games sections instead of working on specific game types. I believe it's the most effective strategy.

Today I took a PT and logic games was my first section. Absolutely bombed it and couldn't recover the rest of the exam. The entire test all I was thinking about was the terrible LG section but I made sure to just push through and finish the rest of the exam since this may happen on test day and I have to learn to adapt. Haven't blind reviewed yet but I'm guessing I practiced 10 points lower than my average. It's been a really disappointing week and if anyone can provide me with some advice/encouragement I'd appreciate it greatly.

Good luck studying everyone!


  • 7sagelsatstudent1807sagelsatstudent180 Alum Member
    932 karma
    2 months is plenty of time. One thing you know now is many different setups that work for games. It is likely that every game you do from now on will be a variation of a game you have seen before. Once you get in the swing of things, you'll have a wealth of experience to fall back on
  • StopLawyingStopLawying Alum Member
    821 karma
  • 7sagelsatstudent1807sagelsatstudent180 Alum Member
    932 karma
    Your training wasn't incorrect or a mistake. It's hard to get perfect at logic games. It's doable but sometimes the reality is it takes time. -5 isn't bad for someone just transitioning into Pts... It's a respectable score. After you've done nearly every possible game you will see that score drop.
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    For one, October is not your last chance for this cycle. So rest assured on that point.

    Furthermore, it is definitely possible to improve on LG in the next two months. If you're serious about October, it's time to walk away from the drills and PT/BR from here on out.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    I would just go ahead and use an old LG section as your 5th section so you can brush up on them while PTing...
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @Pacifico said:
    I would just go ahead and use an old LG section as your 5th section so you can brush up on them while PTing...
    There you go. I might just start doing this as well. And then I too can say "@pacifico was right..." Oh wait, I say that all the time anyway because he's the Boss Man/Dude.
  • MoosaderMoosader Alum Member
    234 karma
    From an ex t14 dean of admissions: 1 more point in december is much better than 1 less point in October. Fret not
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @mheannarino said:
    1 more point in december is much better than 1 less point in October.
    There you go!!
  • lsatblitzlsatblitz Alum Member
    521 karma
    It seems like the people over at TLS swear by the Cambridge packets, while the people over here are more inclined to recommend full length practice tests and sections. I'm not gonna say that I completely regret buying the packets, but I definitely do believe I would've been much better off spending my first couple months practicing with full tests/sections under timed conditions and blind reviewing, rather than drilling those packets.
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