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Your regiment if you so please.

ENTJENTJ Alum Inactive ⭐
in General 3658 karma
What kind of study regiment have you wonderful 7sagers developed for yourselves? For those that want to contribute, please be as concise in your comments so it's easily digestible for other 7sagers. Thanks!

I'll start with my regiment:

1. Meditation in the morning
2. Healthy breakfast (you can ask me in PM what I have if you're really that curious)
3. Head to my local library early
4. PT in the a.m.
5. BR in the p.m.
6. Dinner
7. Wind down, shower, and sleep.


  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    edited August 2015 7965 karma
    1. 6am wake up, supplements/coffee/coconut oil, Bible study (Ligonier/Truth for Life apps) :)
    2. Ok I am going to try to workout next, which I used to do before until April :D Otherwise do some LSAt-y things. This week I am going to try to work out and then do some very random LSAt-y things that I just feel like doing, or maybe some BR'ing if I feel like it.
    3. 8.40am go to the office where I do my job
    4. 5pm leave the office ... Mess around for a while/commute in my vehicle (very loud country music), occasional purchase of groceries
    5. I don't eat dinner. Maybe a date (the edible kind) or occasional sprouted almonds. Otherwise intermittent fasting FTW.
    6. Evenings:
    Mon =PT/BR a little;
    Tues =PT/BR a little;
    Weds =BR solo + BR group;
    Thurs =Bible study or BR or partay;
    Friday =BR solo + BR group;
    LSATurday = Random morning hour PT (because they never start even close to 8:30 so why not train for random hours = random cortisol activations :) );
    Sunday = NO LSAT ZONE.
    7. Bed by 11 unless BR group tricks me into staying later for "7sage After Dark" aka "The Afterparty" which is ... well ... where we talk about LSAT and 0L lyfe. And that kind of thing. Sometimes bed by 12 due to streaming media vortex. Would really like to push bed back to 10pm.

    Also ... I am paleo and I am a functional medicine nut.
  • NYC12345NYC12345 Alum Inactive Sage
    edited August 2015 1654 karma
    I assume that when you wrote bible study you're referring to the Powerscore Bibles.
  • ENTJENTJ Alum Inactive ⭐
    3658 karma
    It would be amusing if your date brings you a date on your date.
  • nye8870nye8870 Alum
    1749 karma
    @nicole.hopkins You do intermittent fasting? I have been on the 5:2 diet for 4 months now. I eat only 600 calories Monday and Wednesday. Other five days, whatever I want (within reason). I love it so far. I lost like 15 pounds early on and have stabilized since. I think there is some pretty good scientific evidence supporting the theory that fasting can make you live longer (and I'm on borrowed time as it is).
  • eugene.chongeugene.chong Free Trial Member
    62 karma
    7:00- wakeup, eat, go to work
    5:00- head to the gym, rec sports, errands, eat
    8:00ish- drills or PT
    11:00- drills if PT'd. Otherwise, catch up on some TV.

    Usually do this 2 or 3 weekdays a week plus both weekend days and take the other days off. I'll ramp up when I get closer to my test date.
  • ddakjikingddakjiking Inactive ⭐
    2116 karma
    Most Mon-Sat:
    6:30am: wake up
    8:00am: go to the gym
    11am: LSAT-related study with various breaks including lunch
    4pm: work on family business stuff/watch netflix/grab dinner with friends/grocery shopping/errands
    11pm: sleep
    Sunday: spend all day at church, no studying
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @alexandergreene93 said:
    I assume that when you wrote bible study you're referring to the Powerscore Bibles.
    HAHA ... No that would be heresy.
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @ENTJ said:
    It would be amusing if your date brings you a date on your date.
    A man after my own heart. Bonus points if he compares me to "a young Margaret Thatcher."
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @nye8870 said:
    I think there is some pretty good scientific evidence supporting the theory that fasting can make you live longer (and I'm on borrowed time as it is).
    I've been doing IF for like ... wow ... 2 years now! I do the kind where I only during an 8-hour period each day. And I do high-fat paleo :)
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    I love IF, I did the 8 hour version daily for my last year and a half in the Army... I really should get back into it now that I'm a free man...

    As for a regimen... I wake up when my son wakes me up, feed him breakfast, dress him and take him to daycare, then do whatever I want all day (sometimes this includes a PT and working out, sometimes not), then I pick him up in the afternoon and make dinner, hang out with my wife and son and then put him to bed... Sometimes a BR call after that, sometimes not... I'm not a super prepper in case you couldn't tell... I take it easy for all you sinners out there...
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