Weird/Misc Game drills

dj768083724dj768083724 Alum Member
in General 112 karma
Hey guys, what's the consensus on drilling the weird games from the early 90's? I''m not finding that similar inferences come across these games and I don't know if doing one will help with another. However, I understand that these styles of games have been popping up again on modern LSAT's but unless I'm completely missing something here, I'm finding that a lot of intuitive inferences arise from the individual games, but don't parallel across the misc game range. I've been doing them for the sake of flexing some mental muscles here and there, but not necessarily drilling using the Fool Proof Method.


  • brna0714brna0714 Alum Inactive ⭐
    1489 karma
    I would recommend doing them and using Fool Proof Method. Flexible thinking and making inferences when the setup seems unusual can only help you. You're absolutely correct that the older, "weird" games are reappearing.
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