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Timing and accuracy.

fuzzy228fuzzy228 Alum Member
in General 107 karma
I was struggling to answer the questions within the allotted time on LC. However, I am now at a point where I am able to answer 20 of the 25. The issue is that I guess on the last five, but seem to have lost accuracy. It's not that I have gotten any worse, it's just that I thought by answering more questions that would improve my score. It has either dropped or staying the same. Is this the correct approach?


  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @fuzzy228 said:
    It's not that I have gotten any worse, it's just that I thought by answering more questions that would improve my score. It has either dropped or staying the same. Is this the correct approach?
    One Q: How many PT's have you done?
  • fuzzy228fuzzy228 Alum Member
    107 karma
    2-3. I mainly do time sections, I thought I would wait until I have mastered the fundamentals before attempting full PT's. Again, not sure if this is the right approach. After all, October is around the corner.
  • NYC12345NYC12345 Alum Inactive Sage
    edited August 2015 1654 karma
    It sounds like you should not take the exam in October. These last seven and a half weeks are not for learning and working on the fundamentals, they are for perfecting what you already know and maintaining accuracy. I know this is probably not the response you were looking for, but I feel obligated to share my view with you. You just claimed that you have only taken 2-3 preptests, which implies that you either just started studying, or you do not study that often. You should not take the exam until you are fully prepared. I have been studying for eight months and I have completed over 65 PTs. It took me a little over six months to break the 170+ ceiling and, if I had taken the exam in June, I would not have performed to my best ability. This exam is worth A LOT. It determines where you will spend the next three years studying law, how much aid you receive from schools, and what kind of job you will be competitive for.
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @alexandergreene93 said:
    It sounds like you should not take the exam in October.
    I agree with @alexandergreene93 . 2-3 PT's this close to the test is just not where you want to be. Unless your goal score is 160-165 (and even that could be a challenge). I've been at this for a year, have done at least 50 PT's, and am only now ready for October. I would aim for February or June, in all honesty. Otherwise you might be cutting yourself a raw deal.
  • GSU HopefulGSU Hopeful Core
    1644 karma
    I've had to face the harsh reality of postponing as well. If I write in October, I could maybe get to where I want to. But why risk a dream with a maybe. Its better to postpone and score better, than to write when you know you're not ready, score low and end up having to take it again anyway.
  • fuzzy228fuzzy228 Alum Member
    107 karma
    Thanks everyone for your support, and for taking the time out of your busy schedules to respond. I do feel obligated to say that I still haven't received the answer to my question. Which is, how to maintain accuracy while increasing speed. Unless, you guys are implying that with tons of PT's that will come gradually?
  • DumbHollywoodActorDumbHollywoodActor Alum Inactive ⭐
    7468 karma
    Yep. Taking a bunch of PTs with very solid BR is an effective process to improving timing and accuracy. I just finished my 15th PT yesterday, and it was the first time I ever had time left over to re-examine other questions on LR. I didn’t do anything differently other than adhering to a "1:20, answer and move on” strategy. I actually had time to go back and look at 3 different tough questions. Sorry, I know it’s frustrating that there isn’t a magic technique to work on, but it really comes down to how fast you process what you read. If that didn’t come naturally to you before you started studying (which it didn’t for me), it’s just going to take a lot of practice.

    Full disclosure, I have no idea if I’m more accurate yet since I’m still BR-ing the test. Also, I have been using another tool to improve my reading. It’s an iPad app called Elevate. I use it(particularly the Processing Game) every day. I have no idea, though, if it’s the work with Elevate or the fact that I’ve completed 15 PTs that’s helped increase my speed.

    Good luck!
  • GSU HopefulGSU Hopeful Core
    1644 karma
    @DumbHollywoodActor said:
    It’s an iPad app called Elevate
    Its a great tool! I noticed a difference over time while using it.
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @DumbHollywoodActor said:
    I didn’t do anything differently other than adhering to a "1:20, answer and move on” strategy.
    That's because you're the man now, @DumbHollywoodActor
  • fuzzy228fuzzy228 Alum Member
    107 karma
    Thanks guys. I will certainly try that approach.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    I didn't finish any LR sections early until I hit around my 10th PT so there's nothing to do but practice, practice, practice. Ditch the drilling because while it can be easy to finish a single timed section in 35 minutes, a full PT required more endurance than that. If I were you I would shoot for December and do 5 section PTs to build up your endurance so that you have more opportunities to increase speed and accuracy in a shorter prep timeframe. Remember, slow is steady and steady is fast, so be deliberate and don't rush, but don't be a perfectionist about it. Know when to move on from a question and make sure you do not take too long on easy questions because that is where you can pick up a lot of extra time.
  • c.janson35c.janson35 Free Trial Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2398 karma
    +1 to everything @Pacifico said... Really good advice to learn from
  • fuzzy228fuzzy228 Alum Member
    107 karma
    Thanks for the advice. I greatly appreciate it.
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