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Applying ED to multiple schools??!

smartjoshua90smartjoshua90 Alum Member
edited September 2015 in General 128 karma
OKOK. I know we are not allow to apply multiple EDs...

But! Say I apply ED to School A right now and hear back within a couple weeks (whatever the likelihood of that happening) that I got rejected or moved to the regular pool. Does that mean it's okay for me to apply ED for school B in October (since the deadline for most EDs is mid-November)?

In the same line of thought, I had a similar question about ED Round II (due early Jan).
Since some schools have two Rounds of ED, does it mean I can apply ED for the second round for that school if my first ED for a different school had been rejected?

Thank you in advance,



  • smartjoshua90smartjoshua90 Alum Member
    128 karma
    In case it helps anyone... I think I found the answer in Duke's instructions: "Candidates who apply through the Early Decision program may apply to other law schools, but may not have more than one binding Early Decision application pending simultaneously. If an Early Decision application has already been submitted to another law school, candidates may apply through Duke's Early Decision program only if and when they are released from their binding commitment at the other school."

    couldn't help but notice the use of bicondi at the last sentence.. lol.
  • PetrichorPetrichor Alum Member
    359 karma
    I think you should contact each school you are considering for ED about this. AFAIK most schools are OK with this as long as the ED apps are not simultaneous, but I've heard that some schools do not allow any other ED apps at all, even if you have you been rejected/waitlisted.
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