Enthusiasts BEWARE!

KimberlyKKimberlyK Alum Member
edited September 2015 in General 217 karma
I have always been one of those people who studies from as many sources as possible to get the best grasp of a topic.....Before joining here I had a small intro book and 2 Bibles w/workbooks. Then I joined here and have had much success. Here is what I did wrong:

I decided to take an in-person course taught at a local established University. It started Aug 24th and was twice a week. Manageable.? Right? Oh no, but wait....

1) The instructor has never taught an LSAT prep class, despite having his JD, Ph.D and being a philosophy professor. The curriculum was established so you'd think he'd catch up quickly....:? You'd be wrong...

2) With the class you get a book from the University Press.... A clueless instructor + a book that uses all different terminology = recipe for disaster.

3) Their method was SO ridiculously complicated.

Long story short: I quickly got confused. Confusion leads to depression. Depression leads to burnout....Which brings us to today.

I am not going back to that class and, after a few days break I have been happily studying on 7sage all day. :)

Love this course/community. Keep up the AWESOME work!!!!!!!


  • Matt1234567Matt1234567 Inactive ⭐
    1294 karma
    I'm glad you found 7 Sage! I was in a similar boat as yourself. I overpaid for a prep course which costed me 1200$, gave up half way due to being confused as hell, signed up for 7sage and haven't looked back ever since. If I had actually done some research and found 7Sage first, I would have saved so much time, effort, and $$.
  • KimberlyKKimberlyK Alum Member
    217 karma
    Listening to the clueless professor was like nails on chalkboard for three hours.... He had to work the LG backwards and refused to let ANYONE talk/help due to "time constraints". I'm glad I got a huge discount because I graduated for a sister school.
  • c.janson35c.janson35 Free Trial Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2398 karma
    I've also heard of similar situations of students taking classes at their university and having bad experiences with them. It stinks that universities give these instructors the veneer of legitimacy when in fact they have no business teaching the LSAT. At least you ended up in the right place!
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    Sounds like @nye8870 's story!
  • nye8870nye8870 Alum
    1749 karma
    @KimberlyK @nicole.hopkins @c.janson35 Oh yes, I had me a true-to-life horror story. At least your teacher actually held a J.D. Mine was a PhD but had never taken the LSAT. After two and a half classes it became painfully obvious she was bullsh*t’n her way through the Cambridge book. By the time I got out it was midMay 2014 and I was basically screwed for the June test. Ahhh but then I discovered 7sage and found out exactly what I had been missing all that time. The school did refund our money (everyone else in the class never went back either), but the whole experience was a real let-down. Now I know, though, that there is no in-person class that can substitute for good old fashioned PT and BR and a helpful community of fellow strivers. Sorry you had to go through that as well. We are here now, so lets make the most of the time we have left til test day! YOLO….yeah, I said it.
  • legally_chelslegally_chels Alum Member
    206 karma
    YOLO indeed. My first time taking the LSAT was earlier this year in February. I didn't study as much because I honestly didn't take it seriously. I thought I was smart and that I get things quickly so half-assing everything was okay with me. Then I got my score and basically hated life. I got a 146 and wanted to smack the living shit out of myself haha. Anyways the rest of the summer I became very unmotivated. Part of the reason was because my boyfriend of 2 years at the time didn't really support my dream to be a corporate lawyer and he was pushing for me to look for something else to do. I think he was just insecure because he has no degree and it always intimidated him that I have a bachelors degree and want to keep going on with my education and he had nothing but a hs diploma. Personally, none of that mattered to me but he couldn't see that. Anyways said boyfriend cheated on me and I fell into serious depression for a few weeks. Then my girlfriends surprised me with a one week vacation to Ocean City Maryland. I increased my alcohol tolerance that week thanks to tequila. And here I am back on the LSAT train! I heard about 7Sage through TLS. I truly believe this was the best decision ever. I love how clear JY is and how we can ask questions about anything in every lesson! I am aiming for a 165 or higher. I plan on registering for the December LSAT if, and only if, I am ready by the October 30th deadline. If not then February 2016 it is! Good luck to you all on your journey to a better score! :)
  • ENTJENTJ Alum Inactive ⭐
    3658 karma
    @chelsea.bashi If you study as obsessively as many of us 7sagers have already, the LSAT will become your significant other. I nestle with my LSAT PTs every night and I have the fresh paper cuts to prove it... (kidding)..kind of...
  • legally_chelslegally_chels Alum Member
    206 karma
    @ENTJ hey i'm totally okay with that! Already spent 6hrs studying today which for me is mind blowing. That's how engaging this course is! Going to recommend this to a few people I know who also want to pursue a legal education.
  • nye8870nye8870 Alum
    1749 karma
    @ENTJ Yeah..maybe a JY logical reasoning fundamentals lullaby to put you to sleep. My eye lids are drooping just remembering it.
  • nye8870nye8870 Alum
    1749 karma
    Thx @chelsea.bashi Onward and upward!
  • ENTJENTJ Alum Inactive ⭐
    3658 karma
    @nye8870 Dude. JY KNOWS when you pick a sucker choice. His sardonic tone is forever imprinted in my mind...don't do it!
  • nye8870nye8870 Alum
    1749 karma
    @ENTJ And I love the live LG commentary..."Any minute now you should be realizing the inference you missed in the beginning."
  • KimberlyKKimberlyK Alum Member
    217 karma
    Part of the RC curriculum is "don't read the stimulus." I know much of what we learn from LSAT Prep is a bit counterintuitive, but scanning and then searching out each answer is just....bad advice.

    Last night I read something cute about LSAT prepers: "Studying for the LSAT becomes a weird hobby." So true....
  • splitterhopefulsplitterhopeful Alum Member
    340 karma
    7Sage is fantastic... I can't even imagine doing LSAT prep without it. JY is completely thorough in each example and makes sure you "get it."
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