
FerreroRocherFerreroRocher Alum Member
edited February 2016 in General 86 karma


  • DumbHollywoodActorDumbHollywoodActor Alum Inactive ⭐
    7468 karma
    Retakes. Take the score with a grain of salt, but it's still excellent practice.
  • Faaabs93Faaabs93 Alum Member
    82 karma
    I would just retake them. Make a note on the questions that you remember the answer to, and adjust your final score based on how you see fit. I usually subtract 2 or 3 points from my retake score, depending on how many questions I remembered
  • HibiscusHibiscus Free Trial Member
    edited October 2015 82 karma
    For scoring, don't count questions you remember answers to, multiply the number you got wrong by 50% and subtract that number from the # questions in the PT. Might result in a slightly lower score than your usual average though.

    Edit: I meant add 50%
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Just retake then starting with the tests you took longest ago... Ignore the scores completely and just focus on the learning process... And make sure you do an excellent clean copy BR and get your BR scores up to 177 plus or minus 3.
  • FerreroRocherFerreroRocher Alum Member
    86 karma
    Awesome. Thanks guys.
  • deleted accountdeleted account Free Trial Member
    393 karma
    That's what I did. Retake. For me I found that it did not affect LR scores at all (and I got a lot of the same questions wrong!), it seemed to help somewhat for RC (the passages were easier and faster to read) and helped a lot for some LG, but none for other games. I think that on average it helped my score by 1-2 scaled points per test. And I was shocked by how little I remembered!
  • c.janson35c.janson35 Free Trial Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2398 karma
    You'll also have PT76 to work with in a few weeks! I would do retakes now and save the 3 fresh ones for closer to test day.
  • iryankees13iryankees13 Free Trial Member
    36 karma
    Yeah I'm in a similar situation, definitely retake. Just having the time pressure and taking the tests again will keep you in the flow of the test. Aside from that I would drill any weaknesses you've noticed along the way. Whether it be a whole section or a question type making small gains makes a big difference.
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