PT55.S1.Q22 - angry high blood pressure

Tyler KingTyler King Free Trial Member
edited December 2015 in Logical Reasoning 15 karma
An Eagle's Eye for Detail is needed for this one.

I understood the question.

Study people easily angered--> more likely to have permanent high blood pressure--> More likely to get Heart Disease

Conclusion: Heart Disease can result from psychological factors (Anger)

I see E and look at it, and think it says "Psychological factors" cause both anger and high blood pressure. I then, think to myself, well, that wouldn't weaken the argument because that'd essentially cement the conclusion that "Psychological factors" caused heart disease.

Then, I looked at E again, it said "PHYSiological" which are different from "PSYchological" factors.

To summarize, have an eagle's eye for detail.


  • Justin GilesJustin Giles Free Trial Member
    44 karma
    For sure. =) Also, when you see two answer choices that both look correct, slow down a second and make sure the words really say what you think they do. That can help pull you out of this trap.

    I know the LSAT caught me once or twice because I read "underLIE" as "underMINE" which, as you may notice, are entirely opposite. Dirty LSAT!
  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    14272 karma
    @Justin, lol "dirty LSAT"

    In case anyone wants to see the video explanation:
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