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Retakers, when to start studying again?

iryankees13iryankees13 Free Trial Member
in General 36 karma
For the retakers out there.... I think I made a costly error on game 3 (I see I'm not alone there) but anyway I have a feeling I won't be achieving my target score. For those of you in a similar boat, when are you going to kick it back into gear? I had been going pretty hard and was getting pretty tired towards the end and was planning on taking a week off from studying before getting back at it next Monday. Is that too much time off? What're your guys plans of attack going forward?


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Take a full week off at Monday is a great time to start... That's when I plan to pick back up with PTs. Maybe a little LG work this weekend just for kicks but nothing serious until Monday.
  • deleted accountdeleted account Free Trial Member
    393 karma
    I found my brain revived after frying it between February and June when I took a full month off. I waited to keep studying until I got my score back. I came back with a vengeance -- got 179 on my first preptest, which I had only managed once prior to the June test.
  • AlejandroAlejandro Member Inactive ⭐
    2424 karma
    @josephellengar dayuuummmmm
  • mpits001mpits001 Alum Member
    938 karma
    I agree with @Pacifico take some time off! You'll need it, because once you get to law school there is no time off! Nothing is ever finished, it's only due :P!

    @Pacifico how did your test go?
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Felt pretty good but my ego tells me that all the time... I think realistically I should get a 165-169 but my ego thinks I should get a 165-175... So we will see who is right soon enough!
  • harrismeganharrismegan Member
    2074 karma
    @Pacifico said:
    but my ego thinks I should get a 165-175
    bahaha mine too :( #plzletmyegoberight
  • cacrv567cacrv567 Alum Member
    171 karma
    @Pacifico said:
    Felt pretty good but my ego tells me that all the time... I think realistically I should get a 165-169 but my ego thinks I should get a 165-175... So we will see who is right soon enough!
    WORD. there should be xanax I can get for my ego.
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