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When to create a table for logic games?

Hello 7sagers,

I just signed up a while ago and thought I'd give this forum a shot. I was wondering on logic games, when do you create a table between the game pieces and the base set like in the Feb 1993, Logic Game #4? Sometimes I'll create a table when it is not needed. Thanks for all the help!


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Not sure what you mean by table because I assumed you meant chart, but that game is just a double layer sequencing game. For double layer sequencing you first have to notice it is a sequencing game and so you make your sequencing slots all in a row and then if there is some additional quality ascribed to the elements or category that they are placed in then you make a second row on top of the first row so that the game pieces go on the first row and the quality or what have you goes on the second row. Another way this comes up more commonly is for a schedule in which something is done in the morning and afternoon so say 5 people work a shift in the morning and 5 work a shift in the afternoon and so you have 2 5-slot rows stacked on top of one another.

    If you didn't mean to reference this game and were talking about grouping games with a chart, those are a little trickier and there are no hard and fast rules. Generally when game pieces can go in multiple groups it is a red flag to at least consider using a chart. Also, the use of the word "at least" in the stimulus to refer to where game pieces can go can also be a red flag to think about a chart. However, neither of these are foolproof as there are exceptions to both rules where it is easier to do a regular grouping game board. You really just have to do as many games as possible to see all the different permutations and then just go with your gut, try something, anything, and then be prepared to switch it up if you chose incorrectly.
  • Jonathan W.Jonathan W. Member
    48 karma
    Thank you very much for your explanation! Definitely helpful.
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