Hi all,
This is similar to a post below so apologies if it's just askig for redundant advice. I did read that thread but thought I might post my own question with my own score range.
Basically I feel I have plateaued in the mid 160s. The last 6 PTs I have taken I have gotten in the 160-163 range, this includes PT 73 and 74. PT 74 I got 177 with BR which I was quite shocked/happy about. PT 73 I got 173 BR.
Previous to taking PT 73 and 74, I bought LSAT trainer and have been using it and Cambridge packets to drill on my weak points -- namely LR Flaw, Weaken, Strengthen and MSS questions.
I have noticed a marked improvement in untimed Flaw Qs which is great! I can finally identify the Flaw which I was really struggling with. On my last few timed PTs I got only 1-2 flaw questions wrong.
My LG still suffers, usually getting 1-2 wrong per timed section. PT 74 I totally bombed the last two LGs so will foolproof that one.
My RC is quite good - 0 wrong in BR and 2-3 wrong in timed conditions.
So all this boils down to... How can I get my Timed score to halfway meet my BR score?! My goal is 170.
Perhaps it is not possible with just a few weeks left in the game. I am open to the possibility of taking Feb test. However I would like to do everything possible to get my timed score as high as I can in the next few weeks bc I am registered for December and will sit for the Dec test regardless.
Any advice or thoughts is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Going through JY's explanation for every single game after a PT will really help you get a hang on it really quickly.
Yes, that is what I am working on, fool proofing my LG. however, would you recommend doing it after completing a games section or game by game? I don't know if this makes a difference.
Well I never went through 7sage's whole curriculum, I had used a Kaplan course and then found out about 7sage
Closing the timed/BR gap just takes time. Sorry—no silver bullet, no tricks, no crutches. Just time.
One thing that is kind of hard for me is I feel like I personally am fine taking the time I need to achieve my high score but it sometimes feels like my boyfriend and friends are like tired of me studying all the time. My boyfriend is supportive but I could tell he was a little disappointed when I said I would probably keep studying til February. I don't know why but it makes me feel guilty that I haven't been able to spend a lot of time with him and also my friends this past year!
Anyway I went back and read the 7sage top 3 mistakes and this is a good reminder to me, hopefully it helps others also who just want to be 'done' this December but are wondering if they should keep studying for 2016 tests:
"But that's not important, is it? The important thing is that you plan to spend way more than 3 months training. A year is reasonable. Look at it rationally. Which is weighed more heavily in law school admissions, GPA or LSAT? LSAT. Duh! Yet, you spend 4 years on your GPA but, what, only 3 months on the LSAT? How the hell does that make any sense? Do you even know how important the LSAT is? It makes or breaks your application. End of story. If I'm telling you that you need to spend a year, only a year, to realize your maximum potential on the LSAT, you should be thinking this is a fucking bargain. Because it is. You're getting a great deal. And I haven't even counted the tens of thousands of dollars in scholarships."
Just wanted to point out that whole my partner is disappointed that I'm postponing etc etc. Literally, in your shoes. Postponed from October to dec and deff doing again for June. And when he said he'd be disappointed about me postponing for the third time, I straight up told him that it's a very personal decision and nothing gives him the right to be mad. Yes he wishes well for me and believes that I'm postponing bc I'm doubting myself but there's a difference between doubt and just not maximizing your potential.
In the end, we have to live with our scores you know. They're supportive but at times when they say things like I'll be mad or upset if you postpone, remind them gently that THATS not being supportive.
Consider your argument won.
In the post CC webinar, the advice is to just take hella practice tests AFTER your BR score is quite above your target score. In this case, it seems to be so I would just keep and taking practice tests to improve speed now that your knowledge is where it needs to be.
This post is 4 yrs old haha