Hey guys, I know most of you aren't in NYC. But, for those of you who are, we want to let you know that we're having an open bar event in the evening. Drinks on us.
Hopefully, this gives you something to look forward to. Whether you'll be in the mood to celebrate, commiserate, or cry, the important thing is for us to do it together!
More details to come!
We'll get the event setup and provide an RSVP link.
Bourbon Street Bar and Grille
46th Street between 8th and 9th
June 10th, 2013, V-Day
7-10pm (open bar)
Free with any 7Sage account (show email used to register)
Otherwise, $10 cover
RSVP here: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/6936837267
Let's please stay in touch. Here's my linkedin profile: www.linkedin.com/pub/j-y-ping/60/16a/470/