PT2.S4.Q09 - clark brand-name parts

babybennybabybenny Free Trial Member
edited December 2015 in Logical Reasoning 156 karma
I was stuck between D and E and I finally chose D because it looks like more reasonable than E.
But I still don't get why D is right and E is wrong and see what's the difference which makes them a right/wrong answer between them.

Can anyone explain me why D is the answer and E isn't?


  • mudasar.khanmudasar.khan Alum Member
    edited May 2014 25 karma
    I found this one tricky too and thought about it for awhile. Remember this is a Necessary Assumption question. You're only looking for something that has to be true for the argument to be true. E doesn't have to be true to make the argument true. Try the negation method. If you negate E does it wreck the argument?

    Negate Answer Choice E: Parts made for cars in our country are poorly constructed.

    If parts are made in this country are poorly constructed it doesn't necessarily wreck the argument--they could still be better constructed than the foreign cars. You don't know what is necessarily true.

    Try Negating Answer Choice D: Parts that satisfy our government standards are as poorly constructed as cheap foreign made parts.

    The argument is wrecked. Why? Because Clarks parts satisfy government standards---which means if we negate this answer choice it would mean that Clarks parts are just as poorly constructed as the foreign made parts. So why prefer them?
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