Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). PT 76 S2 Q 25 - It is likely that most of the new - 7Sage Forum

PT 76 S2 Q 25 - It is likely that most of the new

Could anyone explain why D rather than C is correct?
P: (1) most of the new shows produced last year by WW were canceled;
(2) this year's new shows are all police dramas, and few police dramas have been popular in recent years
C: most of this year's new shows will be canceled
To strengthen, we want to make last year and this year more similar. So it is better to find sth like last year's police dramas were cancelled.
C: police drama --> cancelled
D: cancelled --> police drama
I feel both C and D could fulfill the gap.


  • nye8870nye8870 Alum
    1749 karma
    For this one, I decided to reword the story a little to get a better handle on what is going on.
    P1 Last season W&W produced a number of new tv programs. Of those new programs most (let’s say 51%) of them were canceled. P2 Those that were canceled were canceled because of insufficient viewership. P3 This season W&W are producing new shows as well. All of this season’s new shows are police dramas. P4 In recent years, most police dramas are not popular (i.e experience low/insufficient viewership). CONCLUSION: Of the new programs produced this season most will be canceled.
    This argument seems not that bad to begin with but a way to strengthen it would be to introduce information that would add to the similarity of circumstance between last season and this season.
    (D) says that all the shows that were canceled last season were police dramas (hey just like they are trying to do again this year). This would strengthen a notion that the same thing is “likely” to happen – especially knowing about the poor viewership of police dramas.
    (C) Has a problem in that all it says is : If a show was not canceled then it was not a police drama. It does not say that police dramas WERE canceled. Using the info in the stim we are trying to connect police dramas and cancellation. Whatever is not cancelled is irrelevant.
    This is how I see this question. Hopefully it helped.
  • nye8870nye8870 Alum
    1749 karma
    To clarify: In (C) the info we are given is that a new show, had it not been canceled last season, was not a police drama. This just means the non-canceled shows were perhaps cooking shows, shows about honey badgers, Kardashian spin-offs and whatever. This info does not imply that there were any police dramas at all last year. That’s why (D) comes in and puts them at the scene.
  • DumbHollywoodActorDumbHollywoodActor Alum Inactive ⭐
    7468 karma
    Graeme Blake has explanations out for PT 76: http://lsathacks.com/product/lsat-preptest-76-explanations-pdf/
    34 karma
    @nye8870 Thank you so much. This is really helpful. I am wondering if my understanding is correct. So according to C, if it was a W&W PD last year, then it was cancelled. (PD->Cancelled) However, there may be no PD at all last year, in which case C will be irrelevant. However, D states that Cancelled -->PD, so /PD-->/Cancelled, which directly hits the point.
  • nye8870nye8870 Alum
    1749 karma
    (C) talk about non-canceled shows which is irrelevant. (D) says all canceled shows were PDs and then gives us information about PDs, mainly that nobody cares to watch them and shows that nobody cares to watch tend to be canceled.
  • nye8870nye8870 Alum
    1749 karma
    @"QQ ILLSAT" said:
    I am wondering if my understanding is correct.
    You got it.
  • pattyesqpattyesq Free Trial Member
    28 karma
    @nye8870 @"QQ ILLSAT" C is irrelevant primarily because it references all shows W&W produces, not just the new ones. Your second explanation doesn't distinguish between the new shows, and all shows. If I read the answer choice and thought it said "new shows", rather than all the shows W&W produces, then yes, it is irrelevant because it references the non-canceled shows. These non-canceled shows may be all horror shows, and not include any police dramas. But the primary reason it is incorrect is because it references all of W&W shows, when the stimulus only provides us with information about W&W's new shows (that most of W&W's new shows from last year were canceled).

    Just a FYI to future people looking through this thread.
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