Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). do i have to buy the course again?!? - 7Sage Forum

do i have to buy the course again?!?

wlamontwlamont Member
in General 120 karma
i accidentally let my course run up -- i bought it back in the summer and re-upped it a few months ago.. and i thought i was still in but i just went to re-up it again and now it's saying i have to buy the course all over again :(
anyone know a way around this? i really don't want to let go of my 7sage family because i'm taking again in feb but i guess if i have to buy the course again i will because it's too valuable not to! i just wish if i was going to spend that money again i would have re-upped to a better course.
any suggestions!?!?


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