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Cancellation Help

reid.elisabeth94reid.elisabeth94 Free Trial Member
in General 21 karma

I just took the Dec 2015 LSAT, and realized in the middle of the test I was doing poorly. I did not go in to the test as prepared as I could be, and after studying since June (and having a large family-related set-back) I had complete apathy about the test walking in to it.

I have a strong GPA, and believe I'm capable of a strong LSAT score with better preparation and mindset.

I have never scored higher on an LSAT pt than I thought I would, and I would imagine this situation is no different- I can't imagine my score being above a 160, and I feel like I am capable of much higher.

Most posts stress that a cancel has no benefit, but my question is, what's the harm? I feel like a cancellation looks much better than a low LSAT on your record-- even if schools claim not to notice.

Any input is greatly appreciated, I have three days to decide.


  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    I will copy/paste this here from another thread.

    I'll tell you what I tell all my students and the rule I myself follow.

    Do not cancel unless:

    1) You had a major bubbling error of which you were made aware during the test and from which you were unable to recover
    2) You had a major health crisis (seizure, vomiting, bathroom emergency) during the test and were affected for more than 5 minutes

    From what you're saying, you do not meet either of these criteria. I advise you NOT to cancel. You will be much better off knowing your score than not.
  • reid.elisabeth94reid.elisabeth94 Free Trial Member
    21 karma
    Can I ask why- if we can (generally) predict the outcome of our tests, based off of where we were PTing before hand, how many questions we guessed on, and how quickly we ran out of time?
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @reid.elisabeth94 said:
    how many questions we guessed on, and how quickly we ran out of time?
    You're hyperfocusing on the negative an likely catastrophizing. That is to say—your memory of these factors is unreliable and not good criteria by which to make this extremely impactful decision. Thus a rule that takes the pressure off of frantic cogitations ;)
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Canceling is something to do before the day of the test, not afterwards, except in certain circumstances like the ones mentioned above. It still counts as a take now, and you're already throwing Yale out the window (as should everyone anyways), so you may as well see the score and now what you're dealing with and where you need to get to. Even if you got a 155 it won't matter if you come back with your target score on the next test. Retakes represent only opportunity and canceling is a generally pointless endeavor in this case. You won't be applying with this score on the front page of your app so don't sweat it. Your first impression will be the higher score you get later and then you can just write a little addendum about how you weren't ready or whatever and that will take care of that.
  • kennedybjkennedybj Alum Member
    697 karma
    @Pacifico and you're already throwing Yale out the window (as should eveyone anywas)
    guess someone doesn't like yale lol

    Cancelling won't help you
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    No I don't like New Haven.
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