Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Taking your requests: LSAT articles, infographics, tip-sheets ... - 7Sage Forum

Taking your requests: LSAT articles, infographics, tip-sheets ...

nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
edited December 2015 in General 7965 karma
Hey y'all—

As you know, I'm a big LSAT nerd. I love LSAT and I love LSATters. 7sage is a huge part of my life. Some of my most important contacts and favorite buddies have come through this forum. So, I'm looking for a way to give back ... and to give you what you want. Or rather, to ask you what you want, and then figure out a way to give it to you (or to find someone who can!).

To that end, I wanted to open up 7sage's own TRL (Total Request Live, for those of you who may have blocked out the glory that was Carson Daly from 1998-2008).


7sage Total Request Live

—What topics do you want to read about (in longer form)? Articles, opinion pieces, success stories ...
—Got ideas for infographics?
—Want pretty printable charts/cheat-sheets?
—Other categories not yet imagined??

Open season on requests/brainstorming. Rock me like a hurricane.

You can post your requests in the comments here, or feel free to PM me if you'd like to remain somewhat incognito :D


  • brna0714brna0714 Alum Inactive ⭐
    edited December 2015 1489 karma
    Beginner's guide to cooking brisket.
  • brna0714brna0714 Alum Inactive ⭐
    1489 karma
    ... but seriously, I'd like to see something on appropriate prep for the changing LG landscape.
  • FLAguyNSeoulFLAguyNSeoul Alum Member
    141 karma
    Hi Nicole. Thanks for opening this discussion and taking request. The Logic Game Boards Cheat Sheet is pretty awesome, yet I have been thinking how it could become even more awesome and then I came across your post.

    I know that "at least" is a key word for 'Grouping Game Board with a chart' as well as "sequence" and "order" being key words for the 'Standard Sequencing Game board'. This led me to wonder if there are other identifying words or word patterns for each of the other examples given on the 'Logic Game Boards Cheat Sheet'?" I think it would be more awesome to add identifying words or word patterns to the already pretty awesome cheat sheet. What do you think?
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    I'd caution against that since there are several games where they disguise the verbiage and so rather than trying to make up rules you really just need to focus on parsing out what the stimulus and rules are telling you.
  • FLAguyNSeoulFLAguyNSeoul Alum Member
    141 karma
    @Pacfico thank you for the caution, and I agree that parsing out what the stimulus and rules are saying is key. I also see that the reasoning you expressed is true in some cases, but using an identifying word or word pattern (not rule) might be helpful in some other cases, possibly? Maybe using an identifying word or word pattern could lead some to other exercises that sharpen our ability to identify underlying verbiage that's disguised.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    It's more that certain words should be red flags to get you to think in a certain direction rather than guiding you down that path. "At least" is a great example of this since it is a great chart signifier but not a fool proof one.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Similarly, "not both" can be used in a way that be applied to just about any type of game whether it be sequencing or grouping in nature, so context is very important.
  • StopLawyingStopLawying Alum Member
    821 karma
    Love cheat sheets, would it be possible to create one for LR?
  • DumbHollywoodActorDumbHollywoodActor Alum Inactive ⭐
    7468 karma
    @StopLawying I think @blah170blah ’s LR guide is pretty good. It’s consistent with 7Sage but has some other nuggets in there: http://7sage.com/discussion/#/discussion/2901/lsat-study-guide-primer
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    There could certainly be collaborative cheat sheets ! @blah170blah what do you say? Want to become printable?
  • FLAguyNSeoulFLAguyNSeoul Alum Member
    141 karma
    @ Pacifico I see where you are coming from, and I agree that context is very important. I asked in an effort to better one tool among the litany of tools that our community has. Would it be possible to have a section of all the tools created and used by the community?
  • poohbearpoohbear Alum Member
    496 karma
    Just wanted to share that the LSAT Trainer has some infographics up on their site: http://www.thelsattrainer.com/lsat-prep-tips.html

    Don't want you guys to do extra work if it's already there! Excellent resources to have!

    And thank you @nicole.hopkins for offering to do this!
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @poohbear said:

    Don't want you guys to do extra work if it's already there!
    Yup—been a huge fan of @mike 's site/work for ... Wow, a year and a half now! Good stuff over there, for sure.

    Looks like there's some interest in tracking sheets for drilling/problem sets (Excel). Any particular requests/thoughts on those?
  • gyoo01gyoo01 Member
    56 karma
    I am wondering when the next RC seminar is coming up. In your previous RC seminar, you said there might be the second video coming up for inferences only, showing how to stitch together parts of the passage to find the correct inference. I would really love to see a seminar on that!
  • blah170blahblah170blah Alum Inactive ⭐
    3545 karma
    Whoa, just saw this! Yes Nicole, let's coordinate! :)
  • wlamontwlamont Member
    120 karma
    @nicole.hopkins i would LOVE for you to do an article or a video or a SOMETHING on conditional logic. i've gone over JY's videos and the LSAT trainer and i cannot for the life of me figure this stuff out. I love all your comments though and you have a different way of thinking so maybe you could help!?!?! anyway, that's my request :)
  • Nanchito-1-1Nanchito-1-1 Alum Member
    1762 karma
    I took a few pts and my scores are pretty far from where id like them to be. I know it takes time and aloooooooot of fundamental review, but it would be great if you gave us tips on how to approach studying after we br and pt with a focus on low scorers/people who just started pting.

    Seriously though, im so thankful for everything you guys do for the community.
  • LeoA1994LeoA1994 Member
    77 karma
    LG cheat sheet would be nice, are there any out there yet?
  • nibs7985nibs7985 Member
    100 karma
    hey nicole! I personally LOVE hearing success stories. I find nothing more awesome. Keeps things in perspective :)
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