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Translations with cannot and without.

ccwilso4-1ccwilso4-1 Free Trial Member
edited May 2014 in Logical Reasoning 30 karma
I am having difficulty translating statements with both cannot and without. For example:
A business cannot change its core corporate philosophy without becoming a different corporation. Would I translate this as, [if a company changes its corporate philosophy-> then the company becomes a different corporation]?


  • olivia.jns-1olivia.jns-1 Alum Member
    7 karma

    Yes. When you have a sentence with both a group 3 indicator word (without) and a group 4 indicator word (cannot) you can follow either translation rule just remember to negate the other idea.

    A business cannot change its core corporate philosophy without becoming a different corporation.

    Group 4 Translation: Cannot
    CCCP --> BDC
    /BDC --> /CCCP


    Group 3 Translation: Without
    /BDC --> /CCCP
    CCCP --> BDC
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