Replacing/substituting a rule questions

Youyang LiYouyang Li Free Trial Member
edited June 2013 in Logic Games 68 karma
For the logic games where the question asks you to replace a rule with another rule to maintain the same effect on the game...

I know that you can't replace it with a new rule that allows for a possibility that the old rules would not allow (wouldn't be the same effect). But, is it also true that you can't have a new rule that is a subset of the old rules? As in, the old rules allow for more possibilities than the new rule. That wouldn't be the same effect either, right? So you would have to find the same set of possibilities?

If that makes any sense..


  • Justin GilesJustin Giles Free Trial Member
    edited June 2013 44 karma
    You can allow for neither more possibilities nor less. So, if the original rule allows for worlds A, B, and C, so too must the new rule. If the new rule restricts out world C, it's not having the same affect on the pieces anymore, is it?

    Hope that answers your question.
  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    14277 karma
    Yeah, it's gotta be exactly the same.
  • Youyang LiYouyang Li Free Trial Member
    68 karma
    Yep, that does. Thank guys!
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