PT75.S1.Q19 - economist: although average hourly wages

solsis888solsis888 Free Trial Member
edited February 2016 in Logical Reasoning 5 karma
Hi everyone! I am really confused on this question.. I understand how the correct answer (B) explains why the average in the country as a whole went down, but I don't understand how it explains how the average in each region went up.

Any help would be awesome!

Thank you!


  • Elle2015Elle2015 Alum Member
    edited February 2016 198 karma
    Try imagining two regions: Region X and Region Y.

    In Region X, the average changed from 1 to 2. In Region Y, it changed from 2 to 4. So it increased in both places. However, since Region Y's average is significantly higher than Region X's, if a bunch of people from Region Y move to Region X, the overall average can go down while still allowing for that of the individual regions to increase.

    The situation in choice B allows for this (the increase individually and the decrease overall) to happen.

    If you need numbers to make it clearer, perhaps imagine that at first there were 50 workers in both regions, but that changed to 95 workers in Region X and 5 in Region Y. So, overall, the average went from 3 to 2.1. It decreased. But in Region X and Y individually it still went up from 1 to 2 and 2 to 4 respectively.

    I hope this helps.
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