PT53.S3.Q13 - each of the smallest particles in the universe

karenisra73karenisra73 Member
edited March 2016 in Logical Reasoning 22 karma
I can't see the difference between the flaw in B and the the flaw in the incorrect answer choices....


  • noobie1noobie1 Member
    edited March 2016 266 karma
    I did PT 53 recently so this is fresh in my mind. The difference is simple and it has little, if any, to do with the argument structure. Statement B is not flawed because it is a true statement while the other statements (conclusion part) are not necessarily true (they could be true or they could be false). To see the subtle difference in B, think about how the other statements (conclusion) could be false. You can't do the same for B.
  • karenisra73karenisra73 Member
    22 karma
    Thank you noobie1!
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