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7sage meet and greet in Vancouver this Friday (March 11, 2016)

sean.marzsean.marz Alum Member
edited March 2016 in General 181 karma
Hey all,

Did anyone else sign up for the meet and greet happening this Friday in Vancouver, BC? By stroke of luck I'm traveling to Van from the interior in order to go to see a couple DJs that night. Decided to stay Friday night too in order to meet some of you guys and geek out about 7sage/the lsat/law school!

Should be fun!


  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    14256 karma
    @"Alan Cheuk" and @"Nicole Hopkins" and plenty of others. I wish I could be there though - I love Vancouver!
  • twssmithtwssmith Alum
    5120 karma
    Hey Sean! Enjoyed being on BR calls with you last Fall. Any updates to share on your status?
  • LSATKingsmanLSATKingsman Alum Member
    1024 karma
    800 miles away and no car? COUNT ME IN!
  • sean.marzsean.marz Alum Member
    181 karma
    @"J.Y. Ping" Awesome! I can't wait to meet 7sagers in the flesh!

    @twssmith Aw thank you for the kind words!

    Even though I under performed on the Dec 15 LSAT my score was enough to get me in to law school! While TRU wasn't my first pick of schools I am happy to attend should my apps elsewhere be declined. Knowing that I have a spot secured somewhere come the fall means all the studying was worth it! How about you?
  • Nicole HopkinsNicole Hopkins Alum Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    4344 karma
    YES--Come hang out!
  • twssmithtwssmith Alum
    5120 karma
    Congrats on law school and envious of your trip to geek out with everyone on lsat prep and beyond!
    All is great with me deciding to postpone for the next cycle.
    @sean.marz said:
    Knowing that I have a spot secured somewhere come the fall means all the studying was worth it!
    Thank you for the inspiration and wishing you all the best for your future:)
  • Blue AvianBlue Avian Member
    49 karma
    hey I will be there tomorrow too. Hope to see you lovely 7sagers there.
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