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edited May 2020 in Law School Admissions 410 karma


  • runiggyrunruniggyrun Alum Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2481 karma
    Best use of your time would be to FoolProof the games - here's a detailed description of the foolproof method in action https://7sage.com/discussion#/discussion/2737/logic-games-attack-strategy.
    Going from a -9 to a -2 would push you from 164 to ~169, and you have plenty of time until September to proof all the early games as well as the games from all the PT's you've already taken.
    A few more months of PT's with really thorough blind review could get you the extra couple of questions needed for that 170. Don't skimp on the BR - that's where the learning happens.
    Good luck!
  • LSATislandLSATisland Free Trial Inactive Sage
    edited March 2016 1878 karma
    Hi @jeff.wongkachi

    I would certainly recommend doing LG multiple times, as mentioned above. I think your plan to improve the entirety of your application is right. I'd also suggest reviewing your PS to see if it needs revision or reworking.

    It's hard to give specifics on how to improve softs, since each person's situation is different. I'm sure almost any softs you are considering will benefit your application, but I'd suggest seeking if possible something academic-oriented that can balance the GPA.
  • edited May 2020 410 karma
  • LSATislandLSATisland Free Trial Inactive Sage
    1878 karma
    @jeff.wongkachi I meant that when choosing an extra-curricular or volunteering, it might help more to choose one which can reflect your academic side as well. But I guess there is already a reflection of the academic in your post-graduate GPA. You are right that your undergraduate GPA is primary and important, but these other parts like the 3.9 GPA contribute in giving a fuller and more accurate picture. I just meant that to the extent that sort of academic counterbalance can be added, it would benefit you.

    I hope I clarified my meaning. Feel free to PM me if you would like to chat about anything specific.
  • PriyankaPriyanka Alum Member
    79 karma
    Hey @jeff.wongkachi ! I'm in Ontario as well. In terms of softs, you should commit yourself to something that you actually enjoy - don't worry too much about what "looks good" to the admissions council - you probably won't keep up with it then. I think consistency is key here. With that being said, if you're into politics I would recommend volunteering with local MPs/MPPs or getting involved with a political party. If you enjoy on the ground volunteer work, then definitely look into local food shelters, after-school programs. The Law Society of Upper Canada HQ in Toronto (near Osgoode station) has a "Lawyers Feed the Hungry" program, where you serve hot meals to those in need. Theres tons of great organizations in the Toronto area who are looking for summer students - please PM me if you need more info :)

    Can you take a 5th year of school to upgrade your marks? I know it'll be pricey, but honestly it'll be worth it. Athabasca U has online courses. Honestly, I think the best thing you can do in this year is upgrade your marks and volunteer. A 164 can get you into Osgoode! (My goal school as well).
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