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The convoluted stimulus

I realize as I work on my speed in the LR section that it is very important to be able to compartmentalize each part of the stim in your mind to quickly attack the question. But, I find myself having to re-read those pesky convoluted stims which is killing my time on certain questions.

Do any of you map out (basic bracketing) the premises and conclusion on the convoluted stims? My theory is that if I do map on these types of questions I will be able to really hone in on the P and C and if there is weird language it will be out of the way.

Should I try and keep practicing doing it all in the brains lol ?


  • runiggyrunruniggyrun Alum Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2481 karma
    I generally bracket at least the conclusion, especially for tricky questions like parallel reasoning questions, sometimes for others. Takes virtually no extra time and makes it less likely to make a mistake because the attractive trap talks about something that's not the actual conclusion.
    It depends with premises, I'd bracket them for things like SA where there's usually a very clear gap, or if the stimulus involves a lot of conditional logic.
    What matters though is if YOU find it helpful - if you do, continue to do it. If you're not sure, try a couple of sections with and a couple without and see whether there's an advantage in speed or accuracy.
    Just make sure you approach the questions in your last few months of practice the same way you are planning to approach them in the actual test.
  • MrSamIamMrSamIam Inactive ⭐
    2086 karma
    I do what @runiggyrun does. But, instead I just write a small "C" next to the conclusion, and keep the premises in mind. Sometimes it helps if you turn the argument around. So, if the stimulus says "X Y and Z, therefore it must be true that K" you can reword it to something that's easier for you to understand. For instance "So K because of X Y and Z."
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