I always mark, and it helps me to 1) understand the passage and the relationship of sentences, and 2) find the relevant section if I need to re-read for any particular question.
I think this is a very valid strategy for the people who tend to lose sight of the "forest" when they are too focused on underlining the "trees". It won't work for everybody, so I would advise anyone who wants to give it a try to do so well before the actual test, but it can definitely be helpful for people who tend to lose concentration/flow when underlining and who prefer building a passage map completely in their mind.
It helps me to remember that every paragraph will have its own conclusion of sorts, reminding yourself how the connect to the ones above is huge for answering many of the RC questions.
I always mark, and it helps me to 1) understand the passage and the relationship of sentences, and 2) find the relevant section if I need to re-read for any particular question.
It won't work for everybody, so I would advise anyone who wants to give it a try to do so well before the actual test, but it can definitely be helpful for people who tend to lose concentration/flow when underlining and who prefer building a passage map completely in their mind.