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PrepTest 72 for $5.97

J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
edited July 2014 in General 14277 karma
PT 72 and all video explanations are ready for sale for just $5.97.

That's the lowest price you'll find anywhere.

You also get +1 month to your existing 7Sage account for the purchase.

Early bird discount expires Saturday, August 2.

Regular price $29.97.

[In case the first link doesn't work: Mouse over "Course" in the menu, click "Extensions and Addons". You should see PrepTest 72 after scrolling about one screen down.]


  • cole.w.murdochcole.w.murdoch Alum Member
    228 karma
    Think there should be a correction. Saturday, July 2 isn't a date this year. August 2nd however makes sense!
    Regardless, awesome deal, I'll be purchasing.
  • benjaminladdbrycebenjaminladdbryce Alum Member
    21 karma
    Already bought it. PT 72 under six bucks... How could I not?
  • chrijani7chrijani7 Alum Member
    827 karma
    not only do you get the test cheaper than retail price? but you also get a free month extension? Just another reason why 7sage is the best! Thank you JY & 7sage administrators!
  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    14277 karma
    Haha, thanks, Cole! I don't read calendars well...
  • jawal54jawal54 Alum Member
    3 karma
    Just to be clear, purchasing PT72 will also give me an extra month of access to the 7sage curriculum as well?
  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    14277 karma
    Purchasing PT 72 will give you +1 month extra access time to whatever content you already have access to.

    It's the same for every PT you purchase a la carte.
  • joegotbored-1joegotbored-1 Alum Member
    802 karma
    Thanks JY! I can use all the material I can get and your commitment to keeping prep affordable is once against shining through.
  • greenivygreenivy Alum Member
    10 karma
    Thanks!! Just bought it and the course as well. Can't wait to start =)
  • selinaselina Alum Member
    73 karma
    Thanks! The workaround still didn't work. How weird. But I logged into another computer and was able to access the link. Just bought the PT and excited to have an addtl month access :)
  • 7Sage Admin7Sage Admin Administrator
    298 karma
    Sorry about that! That's strange, do you remember what error message you got when you tried to get to the addons page?
  • cameronetchartcameronetchart Free Trial Member
    2 karma
    I'm a 7sage free user, and I want to order this PT. The order page says the content expires on August 26, 2014. However, I'd rather take this most recent PT closer to the September test date. Does this mean I can't order the test review material for the early bird pricing and have it available close before the Sept test date?
  • JosephHawkins1776JosephHawkins1776 Free Trial Member
    edited July 2014 27 karma
    Hi, I am trying to put in my answers for this test but there are no ovals to do so. Could Alan or someone else fix this troubleshooting error? Thanks.
  • 7Sage Admin7Sage Admin Administrator
    298 karma
    Sorry, the grader isn't setup for PT72 yet. It should be up within a few weeks.
  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    edited July 2014 14277 karma
    @cameronetchart, you can download PT 72's PDF immediately. This is the best price you'll find on PT 72.

    You will only have access to the video explanations for the duration that your account is active so just think of the video lessons as a freebie you get for a month.

    You can always purchase other PTs (+1 month each) to extend or get time extensions directly.
  • The 180 Bro_OVOThe 180 Bro_OVO Alum Inactive ⭐
    1392 karma
    This is legit amazing.

    Please do this more often. My bank account loves J.Y. Ping right now!
  • skempinsskempins Alum Member
    20 karma
    Maybe this is an obvious question, but when I go to checkout and it says the expiry date is in May, does that mean that's my new expiry date for the whole course? Great deal, by the way!! 7Sage is amazing.
  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    14277 karma
    Yup, you get +1 month on all content you have access to.
  • FryBreadfruitFryBreadfruit Live Member
    120 karma
    yea awesome deal! :)
  • JosephHawkins1776JosephHawkins1776 Free Trial Member
    27 karma
    Just FYI, on the LSAT analytics for this preptest, the second LR should be section four, not section three. The LG is third.
  • Alan Cheuk-2Alan Cheuk-2 Administrator
    3128 karma
    @JosephHawkins1776 I'm pretty sure the second LR is section 3. I'm looking at a copy of the PT72 pdf on our site and it's showing

    Section 1: RC
    Section 2: LR
    Section 3: LR
    Section 4: LG

    If you are seeing something different, could you please let me know where I can get a copy of the pdf you are looking at?
  • JosephHawkins1776JosephHawkins1776 Free Trial Member
    27 karma
    I took the test in June, and on my LSAC account it says I took form #S5LSN113. For this form, the test was
    Section 1: Experimental
    Section 2: RC
    Section 3: LR
    Section 4: LG
    Section 5: LR

    So I was just converting those numbers by taking out the experimental. I have the four separate section pdfs through the LSAC website of this particular test.
    Ultimately this isn't a huge issue though.
  • James RayJames Ray Alum Member
    186 karma
    Any chance of this deal for PT 70 and 71 too?
  • Allison MAllison M Alum Member Inactive Sage
    810 karma
    I second James' suggestion!
  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    14277 karma
    PT 70 and 71 are bundled in with the Ultimate course. We're thinking about maybe doing the same sale for when PT 73 gets released in October.

    @JosephHawkins1776 What you're seeing is the ordering of your actual June 2013 test when you took it at the test center. That's scrambled for everyone to deter cheating. Our ordering of PT 72 is the ordering given to us by the LSAC.
  • Almost a BoomerAlmost a Boomer Alum Member
    edited August 2014 386 karma
    If you could put PT 70 and 71 on sale when you release PT 73, it would be an early Christmas present. Please Santa JY, would you please?!
  • Allison MAllison M Alum Member Inactive Sage
    810 karma
    I'm enrolled in the Ultimate course (started mid-March) and don't have access to PTs 70-71. Is this a recent addition?
  • Almost a BoomerAlmost a Boomer Alum Member
    386 karma
    Allison, I too signed up around that time, but did not get those PT's. It's probably because we signed up before they were available. So, hopefully, 7Sage will put them up for sale later. I hope all your studies are going well.
  • harrismeganharrismegan Member
    2074 karma
    If I purchase this, I can have a printed copy of it, or no?
  • miriruchertmiriruchert Alum Member
    180 karma
    hi there…any chance i can still get the discount? I completely forgot this- too much studying… :-(
  • LeoFiro8LeoFiro8 Alum Member
    244 karma
    Hi... can we still get the discounted version of the prep test 72 please? so busy with the studies I didn't even notice it...
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